using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class Student
string Fname, Lname, Program ;
int Sid ;
// Inputting information for students
public void InputStudentInfo()
Console.WriteLine ("Please enter your first name") ;
Fname = Console.ReadLine() ;
Console.WriteLine ("Please enter you last name") ;
Lname = Console.ReadLine() ;
Console.WriteLine ("Please enter you student ID#") ;
Sid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) ;
Console.WriteLine ("Enter the Program that you are completeing") ;
Program = Console.ReadLine() ;
// Printing information for students
public void PrintStudentInfo()
Console.Write (" Your name is " + Fname) ;
Console.Write(" " + Lname);
Console.WriteLine (" Your student identification number is " + Sid) ;
Console.WriteLine (" The program you are registered for is " + Program) ;
/* public void MenuInterface()
Console.WriteLine (" 1. Input Student information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 2. Input Course information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 3. Input Grade information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 4. Print Course information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 5. Print Student information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 6. Print Grade information") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 7. Print Student information including Course they are registered in and the grade obtained for that course") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 8. Print grade info of the course in which student has achieved the highest grade") ;
Console.WriteLine (" 0. Exit") ;
Console.WriteLine (" Please select a choice from 0-8") ;
accode = Console.ReadLine();
} */
public class Course
string course1, course2, course3 ;
int Stuid ;
// Inputting Course Information
public void InputCourseInfo()
Console.WriteLine (" Please re-enter your identification number") ;
Stuid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) ;
Console.WriteLine (" Enter the name of your first course") ;
course1 = Console.ReadLine() ;
Console.WriteLine (" Enter the name of your second course") ;
course2 = Console.ReadLine() ;
Console.WriteLine (" Enter the name of your third course") ;
course3 = Console.ReadLine() ;
// Printing Course Information
public void PrintCourseInfo()
Console.WriteLine (" Your ID # is " + Stuid) ;
Console.Write (" The Courses you selected are " + course1) ;
Console.Write("," + course2);
Console.Write(" and " + course3);
public class Grade : Course
int Studentid ;
int [] hwgrade ;
int [] cwgrade ;
int [] midegrade ;
int [] finalegrade ;
int [] totalgrade ;
string coursename ;
public Grade (string cname , int Studentident , int [] homework , int [] classwork , int [] midexam , int [] finalexam)
coursename = cname ;
Studentid = Studentident ;
hwgrade = homework ;
cwgrade = classwork ;
midegrade = midexam ;
finalegrade = finalexam ;
public string coname
return coursename ;
coursename = value ;
public int Studentidenty
return Studentid ;
Studentid = value ;
public void InputGradeInfo()
Console.WriteLine (" Please enter your Student ID") ;
grade.Studentidenty = Console.ReadLine() ;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Console.Writeline (" Please enter the Course name") ;
grade.coname[i] = Console.Readline() ;
Console.Writeline (" Please enter your homework grade") ;
grade.hwgrade[i] = int.parse(Console.Readline()) ;
// .....
public void CalcTotalGrade()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
grade.courseper[i] = (grade.hwgrade[i] + grade.cwgrade[i])/2;
grade.finalper[i] = (grade.midexam[i] + grade.finalegrade[i])/2;
grade.totalgrade[i] = (grade.courseper[i] + finalper[i])/2;
public void PrintGradeInfo()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Console.Writeline (" Your homework grade is" + grade.hwgrade[i]) ;
// .....
static void Main(string[] args)
int accode ;
Student student = new Student() ;
Course course = new Course() ;
Grade grade = new Grade() ;
Console.WriteLine(" 1. Input Student information");
Console.WriteLine(" 2. Input Course information");
Console.WriteLine(" 3. Input Grade information");
Console.WriteLine(" 4. Print Course information");
Console.WriteLine(" 5. Print Student information");
Console.WriteLine(" 6. Print Grade information");
Console.WriteLine(" 7. Print Student information including Course they are registered in and the grade obtained for that course");
Console.WriteLine(" 8. Print grade info of the course in which student has achieved the highest grade");
Console.WriteLine(" 0. Exit");
Console.WriteLine(" Please select a choice from 0-8");
accode = Console.ReadLine();
switch (accode)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 0:
Console.WriteLine(" You have chosen to exit the program have a good day. =)");
} while (accode != 0);
時,我說,我複製了主......我的意思是我把所有的代碼,這是在主,打開一個新的項目,放在後面的代碼,程序運行起來的條款。我嘗試了關於使用try和catch的建議......但同樣的問題仍然會發生,當我按start時,沒有錯誤,cmd會在瞬間打開和關閉。當我按Ctrl + F5屏幕出現,但只說'按任意鍵繼續'。
您的代碼將無法編譯 - 你要分配從'string'值'Console.ReadLine()'到一個'int'變量。 –
您需要做的第一件事是捕獲當int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())''嘗試解析非整數字符串時失敗時發生的異常。你需要做的第二件事是隻讀字符串。沒有理由說'Sid'需要是一個整數。一旦您嘗試自己調試問題,我們可能會幫助您。你確切的問題並不清楚,你的程序真的什麼都不做,你什至不告訴我們什麼是不工作的。 –
你需要解釋你的意思是什麼「我已經將主複製到另一個文件並運行它,它的工作....所以我真的難住。」就這樣做! –