2017-05-12 75 views




爲什麼我不能打電話給我的類型? IUserError傳遞用戶輸入,並檢查他們是否說過某些不在我的主題列表中,然後用無效輸入迴應。






open System 
open System.IO 
open System.Speech.Synthesis 

// required for regular expression 
open System.Text.RegularExpressions 
    // init randomizer 
    let rand = new Random() 
    // recursive response function find the first match with a key token 
    // response back acordingly 

    // Initialise a new instance of SpeechSynthesizer 
    let voice (sentence: string) = 

    use speech = new SpeechSynthesizer(Rate= -3) 
    //speech.SelectVoice("Microsoft Huihui Desktop") 


    // define functions of set list campus area 
    let mpCampusArea = Set.ofList ["Cisco Labs"; "The Bridge"; "Security 
    "Mac Labs"; "Open Access"] 

    //active patterns 

    //method for checking room number                 

    let chkroom() = 
    let roomNumbers = seq { 
     yield 158 
     yield 123 
     yield 333 } 

    printfn "Room not found could it be :" 
    for items in roomNumbers do 
    printfn "%A" items 

    let (|Campuses|None|) users = 
    if Regex.Match(users,".*(MP?|mp|Curzon|curzon|ParkSide?).*").Success 
    then Campuses 

    // Apply Active pattern 
    let(|Repair|None|) input = // any sentence with broken|break|damaged is 
    require repair 
    if Regex.Match(input , ".*(broken?|break|damaged?).*").Success 
    then Repair 

let (|ParkSide|None|) input = 
if Regex.Match(input , ".*(P158|P159|P160).*").Success 
then ParkSide 
    None chkroom 

let (|RoomLocation|None|) str2 = 
if Regex.Match(str2, ".*(158|140|150).*").Success 
then RoomLocation 
    None chkroom 

// Define an active recognizer for keywords that express salutation. 
let (|Bye|Answer|NoSubject|MyGirlFriend|Faulty|None|) input = 
match input with 
    | "goodbye" | "bye" | "go" |"get lost" 
      -> Bye 
    | "who" | "how" | "when" |"where" 
      -> Answer 
    | "car" |"what" |"name" |"bcu" 
      -> NoSubject 
    | "lonely" |"love" | "friendship" 
      -> MyGirlFriend 
    | "device" |"software" |"phone" 
     -> Faulty 
    | _  
      -> None 

let (|Computer|Other|) input = 
match input with 
|"goodbye"|"bye"|"go" -> Computer 
|_ -> Other 

// select possible likely hood response based on random number for hello 
// Interact with the user 
// Subject faulty software and Hardware 
let faulty_response (str:string) = 
    let x = rand.Next(5) 
    match x with 
    | 0 -> "My advice is to restart the software/hardware?" 
    | 1 -> "My advice is relax it will be sorted." 
    | 2 -> "My advice is bin your device/software." 
    | 3 -> "Please throw your software/hardware in the recycle bin" 
    | 5 -> "Kiss your device/software as this always works for me." 
    | _ -> "" 

    let good_bye_response() = 
    let b = rand.Next(5) 
    match b with 
    | 0 -> "Good bye Babe" 
    | 1 -> "Thank God " 
    | 2 -> "We have to be positive love BCU" 
    | 3 -> "Live is beautiful but you are a smelly poo little fella BYE!" 
    | 4 -> "Good bye and thanks for complainting" 
    | _ -> "" 

    let answer_response() = 
     let x = rand.Next(10) 
     match x with 
     | 0 -> "Please go and complait to Waheed Rafiq" 
     | 1 -> "Please go and see Emmett Cooper" 
     | 2 -> "So you want me to kick a fuss?" 
     | 3 -> "What a waste of time" 
     | 4 -> "Please go and see BCU tech department" 
     | 5 -> "OMG and so what" 
     | 6 -> "Jump of the roof it will most likely help us all" 
     | 7 -> "Let's talk about the toliet shall we" 
     | 8 -> "why don't you use pattern matching with regular expressions!" 
     | 9 -> "Speak to the Queen she will mostly likely deals with BCU 
     | _ -> "" 

    let none_response (str:string) = 
    let n = rand.Next(10) 
    match n with 
    | 0 -> "What would you"+ str + "like to chat about ?" 
    | 1 -> "I do not understand please ask again !" 
    | 2 -> "How about you Speak english and I log your helpdesk call yeah?" 
    | 3 -> "Sorry to hear that. Are you sure you want to complaint ?" 
    | 4 -> "This is a complaint Chat bot where you log helpdesk calls. 
    Please Refer to Cortana for her services.!" 

    | 5 -> "Let just complaint yeah for the sake of complaining ?" 
    | 6 -> "OKay what is your complaint about ?" 
    | 7 -> "Are you a human because you certainly do not behave like one!" 
    | 8 -> "The moon is epic. What is broken ?" 
    | 9 -> "Do you always complaint? Try logging it like my PC is broken 
     yeah !" 
    | _ -> "" 

    type Day = 
    | Monday 
    | Tuesday 
    | Wednesday 
    | Thursday 
    | Friday 
    | Saturday 
    | Sunday 

let isWeekend x = 
    match x with 
    |Saturday |Sunday -> true 
    |_-> false 

// using regular expression to tokenisse line of text 
let matchWords = Regex(@"\w+") 

let token (text:string) = 
    |> matchWords.Matches 

    // Crossing the stream 
    type IUserError = 

    type Error = { ErrorMessage:string; ErrorCode:int} 
     interface IUserError 

    type Success = { Status:string } 
      interface IUserError 

    let error = {ErrorMessage = "Incorrect input please enter a subject 
    ErrorCode = 250} :> IUserError 

    match error with 
    | :? Error as e -> printfn "Code %i \n Message: %s" e.ErrorCode 
    | :? Success -> printfn "Success" 
    |_ -> failwith "Invalid option" 

    //printfn "%A" error 

    //recursive response function 
    let rec response (token: string) (str: string) = 
    match token with 
    | Bye 
     -> good_bye_response() 

    | Answer 
     -> answer_response() 
    | Faulty 
      -> faulty_response str 
    | Repair 
      sprintf "%s" "Which Campus is the device in?" 
    | Campuses 
     -> sprintf "%s" "Which room is the device in?" 
    | RoomLocation 
     -> sprintf "%s" "Your call is log. Do you wish to quit?" 
    |_ when token.Contains("yes") -> "Okay logging you out" 
    |_ when token.Contains("no") -> answer_response() 
    | NoSubject 
      -> none_response str 

    | None when (str.IndexOf(" ") > 0) 
     -> response (str.Substring(0,str.IndexOf(" "))) 
    (str.Substring(str.IndexOf(" ")+1)) 
    | None when (str.IndexOf(" ") < 0) 
     -> response str "" 

    let rec chat() = 
    let valueInput = Console.ReadLine() 
    printf "Helpdesk-BCU Response --> %s \n" (response "" valueInput) 
    let keepRunning, message = response valueInput 
    printfn ">> %s" message 
    if keepRunning then chat() 

    //let rec chat() = 
    // if Break = false then 
    // let valueInput = Console.ReadLine() 
    // printf "Helpdesk-BCU Response --> %s \n" (response "" valueInput) 
// if Break = false then 
    //  chat() 
     // else 
     //  ChatEnd() 

    let BCU_response (str: string) = 
    if (str.IndexOf(" ") > 0) then 
    response (str.Substring(0,str.IndexOf(" "))) (str.Substring(str.IndexOf(" 
    ")+1)) + "\n" 
    response str "" + "\n" 

// call back feature for the chatbot 

    //let main argv = printfn "%A" argv 

// Advance expression lamba [ Emmett helps required] 

let ifancyHerList = 
    ("Sara",1); ("Saima",2); ("Zoe",3); ("Scarlett",4); 
    ("Jennifer",5);("Sandra Bullock",6) 

let myGirlFriend() = 
List.pick (fun funToNight -> 
    let n = rand.Next(10) 
    if (snd funToNight) = n 
    then Some (fst funToNight) 
    else None 
) ifancyHerList 

    //match myGirlFriend with 
    //| Some name -> printfn "Your date for tonight is %A lucky fella" name 
    //| None  -> printfn "You don't have a date tonight!" 

    printfn "Welcome to the BCU Complaint Chat Bot" 
    printf "Please enter your first name -->" 
    let data = Console.ReadLine() 

//let rec complaints n = 
// printf "%s what do you want to complain about? -->" data 


printfn "The avaialbe areas at Millennium point are: %A" mpCampusArea 
printfn "Which day is Weekend on?" 
let x = Console.ReadLine() 




鏈接到project file


在哪一行,你得到的錯誤? –


原始代碼中的縮進是可以的,但是你問題中的縮進全部搞砸了,這使得我們很難回答你的問題,因爲我們看不到代碼實際上在做什麼。將代碼粘貼到堆棧溢出以便縮進將*正確*的方法是使用輸入框中的「{}」按鈕。你粘貼你的代碼,然後你選擇整個事物並按下'{}'按鈕,並且整個選定塊被縮進4個空格(這就是Stack Overflow中的代碼塊)。 – rmunn


如果你可以編輯你的問題並修正縮進,那對那些試圖幫助你的人來說是一個很大的幫助 - 我們實際上可以看到你的代碼是應該做的。 – rmunn





// Crossing the stream 

type Error = { ErrorMessage:string; ErrorCode:int} 
type Success = { Status:string } 

type UserError = 
    | Error of Error 
    | Success of Success 

let printResponse (error:UserError) = 
    match error with 
    | Error (e) -> printfn "Code %i \n Message: %s" e.ErrorCode e.ErrorMessage 
    | Success _ -> printfn "Success" 
    |_ -> failwith "Invalid option" 

let error = Error {ErrorMessage = "Incorrect input please enter a subject phase"; ErrorCode = 250} 


> printResponse error;; 
Code 250 
Message: Incorrect input please enter a subject phase 
val it : unit =() 

謝謝你回來,我將在今天晚些時候嘗試這個,回到你身邊。我的代碼看起來完全混亂嗎? – Wazzie
