/Name: Ralph Lee Stone
/Date: 10/10/2013
/Project: RLStone3_HW_08
/Description: This program gets a positive value and determines the number of divisors it has.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int DivisorCount(int x)
int counter = 0;
for(int c; x < c; c++)
if (x%c==0)
return counter;
int main()
int x;
cout << "Please a positive value: ";
cin >> x;
cout << x << "has this many divsors: " << DivisorCount(x);
試過了,它給了我無法解決的外部錯誤。 –
@ Ralphs17看起來像另一個問題。你可以再詳細一點嗎?發佈確切的錯誤消息。 –
@ Ralphs17,通過引入編譯器錯誤修復鏈接器錯誤使您的問題加倍。 – chris