// get a handle on the device's vibrator
// should check if device has vibrator (omitted here)
Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
// create our pattern for vibrations
// note that the documentation states that the pattern is as follows:
// [time_to_wait_before_start_vibrate, time_to_vibrate, time_to_wait_before_start_vibrate, time_to_vibrate, ...]
// the following pattern waits 0 seconds to start vibrating and
// vibrates for one second
long vibratePattern[] = {0, 1000};
// the documentation states that the second parameter to the
// vibrate() method is the index of your pattern at which you
// would like to restart **AS IF IT WERE THE FIRST INDEX**
// note that these vibration patterns will index into my array,
// iterate through, and repeat until they are cancelled
// this will tell the vibrator to vibrate the device after
// waiting for vibratePattern[0] milliseconds and then
// vibrate the device for vibratePattern[1] milliseconds,
// then, since I have told the vibrate method to repeat starting
// at the 0th index, it will start over and wait vibratePattern[0] ms
// and then vibrate for vibratePattern[1] ms, and start over. It will
// continue doing this until Vibrate#cancel is called on your vibrator.
v.vibrate(pattern, 0);
// 2 minutes
v.vibrate(2 * 60 * 1000);
// 5 minutes
v.vibrate(5 * 60 * 1000);
// 10 minutes
v.vibrate(10 * 60 * 1000);
public void vibrateForNMinutes(Vibrator v, int numMinutesToVibrate) {
// variable constants explicitly set for clarity
// milliseconds per second
long millisPerSecond = 1000;
// seconds per minute
long secondsPerMinute = 60;
v.vibrate(numMinutesToVibrate * secondsPerMinute * millisPerSecond);
現在我通過300可在我的模式,但它不是振動... –
我們說的關於索引,所以int [4] arr的索引是:0.1 2 3 – pskink
現在我通過索引7並且振動一次(20到25秒)直到模式運行,但是我的問題是..如何振動它5或10分鐘 ? –