2017-05-05 66 views


當我在Python交互模式下運行is_int(0)運行功能,而正確返回True。但是,在運行整個程序時,if is_int(x)/else會將我轉入else分支,因此x == 0和我無法弄清楚原因。


import argparse 
import re 
import sys 

class MemoryObject(): 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.marked = 0 
     self.references = [] # list of <MemoryObject> references 

def arg_parse(): 
    # Sets up a parser object for handling arguments passed to the program 
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Some description') 
    parser.add_argument('filename', help='Filename parameter for input file') 
    return parser.parse_args() 

def is_int(s): 
    # Determines if the given variable contains only an integer value 
    # Primarily used to distinguish memory-blocks from named 
    # pointer variables 
    if int(s): 
     return True 
    elif s == 0: 
     return True 
     return False 

def node_trace(current_node, node_dict): 
    # This function recursively simulates the "mark" phase of 
    # Mark/Sweep G.C. using a dictionary of <MemoryObject> 
    # each element therin containing its list of references 
    # Each node traversed is marked, and the function returns 
    # if the node has already been checked 
    # This function assumed the inital call was passed the RootMemoryBlock 
    # as it's starting point, which garuntees only accessible memory will 
    # be marked since RootMemoryBlock only references pointers which 
    # in turn, by definition, only reference chains of accessible memory 

    if current_node.marked == 1: 
     current_node.marked = 1 

     for node in current_node.references: 
      node_trace(node, node_dict) 

def get_nodes(): 
    # This function creates a dictionary of memory-blocks and named 
    # pointer-variables ncluding a "RootMemoryBlock" that hold the 
    # pointer-variables. The number of memory blocks/variables is 
    # determined by the contents of the input file. 
    # Each object is stored in the dictionary as a <MemoryObject> 
    # The contents of the input file are then used to determine all references 
    # between variables->blocks and blocks->blocks, with the only object 
    # referencing named-variables being the RootMemoryBlock. The format 
    # of the file garuntees that memory_blocks are listed as integers, and 
    # variables as strings that start with either a letter or an underscore '_' 
    # is_int is therefor used to determing if an object is a variable or a 
    # memory-block when populating the reference lists for the elements 
    # of the <MemoryObject> dictionary 
    # Each object's reference list is stored in its <MemoryObject>::references 
    # as a list of references to <MemoryObject> 
    # The dictionary is then passed into the node_trace function along with the 
    # RootMemoryBlock <MemoryObject> which recursively performs the 
    # "mark" phase of Mark/Sweep G.C. 
    # Finally a new dictionary is created and JUST the info for the 
    # memory-blocks (not variables, or the RootBlock) is copied into it. 
    # That dictionary is then returned to the calling function. 
    node_pointers = [] 
    node_dict = {} 
    args = arg_parse() 
    input_file = args.filename 

    with open(input_file) as in_file: 
     node_count = 0 
     for line in in_file: 
      if node_count == 0: 
       node_count = int(line) 
       split_line = line.rstrip() 
       split_line = re.split(r'[,]', split_line) 
       node_pointers.append([split_line[0], int(split_line[1])]) 

    root_node_key = node_count 
    array_size = node_count + 1 
    for i in range (array_size): 
     node_dict[i] = MemoryObject() 

    # The format of the input file garuntees that each item will 
    # describe a link of the form [source, target] 
    SOURCE = 0 # The source of a reference link 
    TARGET = 1 # The target of a reference link 

    for item in node_pointers: 
     if is_int(item[SOURCE]):   
      if item[SOURCE] not in node_dict.keys(): 
       node_dict[item[SOURCE]] = MemoryObject() 

    node_trace(node_dict[root_node_key], node_dict) 

    node_dict_final = {} 

    for element in node_dict.keys(): 
     if is_int(element) and element != root_node_key: 
      node_dict_final[element] = node_dict[element] 

    return node_dict_final 

def print_result(message, value, nodes): 
    # Displays the results of the mark/sweep algorithm 
    # as stored in the dictionary "nodes" 
    # Prints all marked nodes if value == 1 
    # Prints all reclaimed nodes if value == 0 
    for element in nodes.items(): 
     if element[1].marked == value: 
      if is_int(element[0]): 

def main(): 
    # Entry Point function. Calls get_nodes which processes 
    # the input_file, then runs the simluated mark/sweep 
    # algorithm. 
    # It then displays the returned results of the mark/sweep 

    nodes = get_nodes() 
    print_result('\nMarked: ', 1, nodes) 
    print_result('\nReclaimed: ', 0, nodes) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


Interactive Mode

Running program with no references from 0th mem_block

Running program with references from 0th mem_block


你確定它是整數0而不是一個單一的字符串'「0」'? –


@IljaEverilä你知道這是我想到的第一件事,我多次瀏覽了代碼,試圖瞭解這可能會導致問題無濟於事,只是現在才知道爲什麼/如何。 我需要將'elif s == 0'改爲'elif int(s)== 0' 由於該函數可以用於任何其他整數EVEN,如果這些整數是單個字符串,我沒有注意到它將不會使用單個字符串「0」,因爲該部分是在不同的語句中處理的。 – user3776749




elif s == 0


elif int(s) == 0



這並沒有多大意義,因爲'int(s)'(如果它沒有提升)將總是*爲真或爲零。所以你的整個'is_int'函數等價於'int(s)',接着是'return True'。 IOW,它只會返回True,或者如果輸入無法轉換爲int,則會引發異常。 –


你可能只想做's.isdigit()'(假設你不需要處理負數整數)。 –


@MarkDickinson是的,我有另一個版本的函數看起來像'try:return int(s)except ValueError:return False',但afaik int()的工作方式,如果s == 0,那麼函數會返回' 0',python認爲是'False',我需要在這種情況下將檢查評估爲'True'。 'isdigit'是否適用於多個數字的字符串,即's ==「1234」'? – user3776749