/*連接4遊戲板的程序目前作爲下面的代碼。源代碼將初始玩家表示爲在第二位玩家的移動之後增加1的奇數,該數字在偶數下注明。當對角線方向上有四個連續的奇數或偶數時,我不確定如何讓它檢測到勝利。這個問題可能源於在winflag中使用「if(iswin())」和「winflag = true」永遠不會被視爲真實,但是,我不確定。 */連接4 - C++:無法獲取程序以確定是否發生對角線贏
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/*global constants and variables;
const int H = 6;
const int W = 7;
int height = H;
int width = W;
int colstatus[W]; // 1-D keeps tracking which row will be next available spot for each col.
int board[H][W]; // 2-D array
int steps = 0;
int lastcol;
bool winflag = false;
int neighbourrowpos;
int neighbourcolpos;
// function prototypes
int whichside(int, int);
void initialize();
bool islegal(int, int);
bool play();
bool iswin();
void showgame();
int main();
// implementation of functions
bool islegal(int row, int col)
if (row<0 || row >= H || col<0 || col>W) return false; // out of boundary of the board.
return true;
int whichside(int row, int col)
if (board[row][col] == 0) return 0; // means a spot is open
if (board[row][col] % 2) return 1; // means odd side
else return -1; // means even side
bool iswin()
int counter = 1;
int lastrow;
lastrow = colstatus[lastcol] + 1; // based on the next available one to determine the row of the last move.
// vertically, the board should be checked solely in a downward direction, not upward
neighbourrowpos = lastrow + 1; // the first one right after the last move.
neighbourcolpos = lastcol;
while (islegal(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos))
//if the stone at nextposition is on the same side of the last drop.
if (whichside(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos) == whichside(colstatus[lastcol] + 1, lastcol))
if (counter == 4) return true; // win
neighbourrowpos++; // ++ to go down
return false; // no win occurs due to the encounter of of another side before reaching 4.
// check horizontally, both left and right
counter = 1; // resets counter to 1 from the last move to check horizontal
//check left first.
neighbourrowpos = lastrow;
neighbourcolpos = lastcol - 1;
while (islegal(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos))
if (whichside(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos) == whichside(lastrow, lastcol))
if (counter == 4) return true; // win
neighbourcolpos--; //-- to go left
break; // too early to return false because the right side may contribute too. The loop should have a break so as to permit the user to continue testing on the right side.
// the program will continue to perform a check on the right wing from the previous move.
neighbourcolpos = lastcol + 1;
while (islegal(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos))
if (whichside(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos) == whichside(lastrow, lastcol))
if (counter == 4) return true; // win
neighbourcolpos++; //++ to go right
return false; // when the program has been checked on its left and right sides and meet a different side before reaching 4, which signifies that it can return.
//in this stance, the program should check diagonally topleft to bottomright. once more, ensure that two segments are symmetric with respect to the previous move.
neighbourrowpos = lastcol;
neighbourcolpos = lastrow - 1;
while (islegal(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos))
if (whichside(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos) == whichside(lastrow, lastcol))
if (counter == 4) return true; //win
neighbourcolpos--; //-- to shift to the left
return false;
neighbourcolpos = lastrow + 1;
while (islegal(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos))
if (whichside(neighbourrowpos, neighbourcolpos) == whichside(lastrow, lastcol))
if (counter == 4) return true; // winner
neighbourcolpos++; //++ to shift to the right
else return false;
counter = 1;
neighbourrowpos = lastrow - 1;
neighbourcolpos = lastcol - 1;
neighbourrowpos = lastrow + 1;
neighbourcolpos = lastcol + 1;
//check diagonally top-right to bottomleft
counter = 1;
neighbourrowpos = lastrow + 1; //conducts a check on the lower left portion of the board
neighbourcolpos = lastcol - 1;
neighbourrowpos = lastrow - 1; //performs a check on the upper right segment of the board
neighbourcolpos = lastcol + 1;
return false;
bool play()
cout << "Input column number (0-6): ";
cin >> lastcol;
if (lastcol<0 || lastcol >= W) return false;
if (colstatus[lastcol] > -1)
board[colstatus[lastcol]][lastcol] = ++steps; // increase step by 1 to maintain counter of the amount of moves. Step has been initialized at zero.
if (iswin()) //This may be the issue, however, am not certain
winflag = true;
return true;
return false;
void initialize()
for (int col = 0; col<W; col++)
colstatus[col] = H - 1;
for (int row = 0; row<H; row++)
for (int col = 0; col<W; col++)
board[row][col] = 0;
void showgame()
for (int row = 0; row < H; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < W; col++)
cout << board[row][col] << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
for (int col = 0; col<W; col++)
cout << colstatus[col] << "\t";
cout << endl;
int main()
do {
bool f = play(); // call play until it is true;
if (f == false)
cout << "You pick a wrong column. Please try again";
break; // if it is a legal move, check winflag
} while (true);
if (winflag == true)
cout << whichside(colstatus[lastcol] + 1, lastcol) << " win!" << endl; // -1 even side, 1 odd side
// something must be included here but am not certain on the specific statement
} while (true);
return 0;
歡迎來到Stack Overflow!請[編輯]你的代碼,這是你的問題[mcve],然後我們可以嘗試重現並解決它。如果你的問題在'iswin()'中,那麼你只需要這個函數和一個調用'iswin()'的main()'給出錯誤答案的位置。遊戲的其餘部分是無關緊要的,阻礙了你回答你的問題。你還應該閱讀[問]。 –