的代碼都運行良好。我有增值稅部分的麻煩例如,它會說不含增值稅的價格爲£100,則增值稅爲£20,但是當他們加在一起這讓£153我不是很確定它得到來自 我的第二個問題是,我嘗試添加一個循環,所以我會問你要制定出另一個價格,然後如果他們說是整個程序再次重新啓動不能得到正確的號碼,我的增值稅
length = int(raw_input("what is the length of all you walls added together?
while 2 > length or length > 26:
length = int(raw_input("what is the height of all you walls added
together? "))
print ("okay")
height = int(raw_input("what is the length of all you walls added together?
while 1 > height or height > 6:
height = int(raw_input("what is the height of your room? "))
print ("okay")
area = height*length
paint = raw_input("what paint would you like to use luxury paint, Standard
quality, Economy quality? ")
if paint == "LP" or "lp" or "luxery paint":
LP = 2
answer = LP*area
if paint == "SQ":
SQ = 1.25
answer = SQ*area
if paint == "EQ":
EQ = 0.55
answer = EQ*area
undercoat = raw_input("would you like an undercoat?")
if undercoat == "yes":
undercoat = area*0.55
novat = answer + undercoat
elif undercoat == "no":
novat = answer
percentage = (novat/100.00)*20
print percentage
cost = (novat + percentage)
print "Interior Decorator"
print "invoice"
print "the price will be "+ unichr(163) + str(answer) +"(excluding vat)"
print "the vat will be "+ unichr(163) + str(percentage)
print "your grand total is " + unichr(163) + str(cost)
您正在使用哪個調試器來單步執行程序和檢查值產生的? – lit
在Python中啓動調試的簡單方法是粘貼這個pdb行:'import pdb; pdb.set_trace()'就在代碼沒有做到你期望的之前,並且在它運行之前檢查變量(例如'print(foo)')。 –