我在覈心php中有一個查詢,但我想轉換成Laravel,我正在嘗試這樣做,但那是給出錯誤。我不知道,我可以利用這個 這裏的確切方法的核心查詢如何在laravel中使用聯合查詢
select mon,year,
from monthly_activities
select extract('month' from actiondate) as mon,extract('year' from actiondate) as year,
extract('year' from actiondate)|| '-' ||to_char(to_timestamp (extract('month' from actiondate)::text, 'MM'), 'TMMon') as combo,
sum(case when actioncode = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as registered,
sum(case when actioncode = '4T' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as forwardedbycmo,
sum(case when actioncode = '4D' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as clarification,
sum(case when actioncode = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as noaction,
sum(case when actioncode = '50' then 1 else 0 end) as disposed,null as mon_srno,
sum(case when actioncode = '40' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as undertaken
from actionhistory where extract(month from actiondate)=extract(month from current_date)
and extract(year from actiondate)=extract(year from current_date)
group by mon,year order by year,mon;
$first = MonthlyActivity::select('mon','year','combo','registered','forwardedbycmo',
$second = MonthlyActivity::select(extract('month' from actiondate) as mon,extract('year' from actiondate) as year,
extract('year' from actiondate)|| '-' ||to_char(to_timestamp (extract('month' from actiondate)::text, 'MM'), 'TMMon') as combo,
sum(case when actioncode = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as registered,
sum(case when actioncode = '4T' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as forwardedbycmo,
sum(case when actioncode = '4D' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as clarification,
sum(case when actioncode = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as noaction,
sum(case when actioncode = '50' then 1 else 0 end) as disposed,null as mon_srno,
sum(case when actioncode = '40' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as undertaken
from actionhistory where extract(month from actiondate)=extract(month from current_date)
and extract(year from actiondate)=extract(year from current_date))->groupBy('mon','year')->orderBy('year','mon')->get();
$result = $first->union($second);
//$users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('last_name')->union($first)->get();
return view('show',['monthly' => $result]);
這是一個非常醜陋的查詢..我真的認爲它可以通過更改db架構來簡化..你應該考慮.. –
@MateiMihai:我無法改變db結構tat已經被我詛咒了。請讓我知道是否有任何方法來執行這個查詢,因爲它是在laravel? –
我對你的建議是重構這個查詢構建器,並使其看起來更好:) – Beginner