這是怎麼回事,希望你沒事! 嗯,問題是我正在做一個聊天客戶端/服務器應用程序,但做了一些與服務器的測試,我發現我有一個問題發送消息。我使用的是結構,插座和DWORD WINAPI線程... 所以在結構中的代碼是:結構和線程DWORD WINAPI
DWORD WINAPI threadSendMessages(LPVOID vpParam); //THREAD
typedef struct messagesServerChat{ //STRUCT
const char *messageServEnv;
然後在主方法我稱之爲結構使用爲const char messageServEnv,一個HeapAlloc到給一些內存到是要送我用來
char mServer[1024] = ""; //variable to pre-store the message
SMESSAGES messages; //call the struct
messages = (SMESSAGES) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MESSAGE));
cout<<"Dear user, please insert your message: ";
setbuf(stdin, NULL);
fgets(mServer, 1024, stdin);
messages->messageServEnv = mServer;
DWORD hSend; //send the parameters to the thread function
HANDLE sendThread = CreateThread(0, 0, threadSendMessages, mServer, 0, &hSend);
DWORD WINAPI threadSendMessages(LPVOID lpParam){
SMESSAGES messages;
messages = (SMESSAGES)lpParam;
int mesa;
mesa = send(sConnect, (char *)messages->messageServEnv, sizeof messages->messageServEnv, 0);
//sConnect is the socket
//messages = to use the struct, and messageServEnv is the struct data that should contain the message
return 0;
- 編輯 - 我用雷米的解決方案解決了很多問題,但也許我失去了一些東西...在Thread threadSendMessages(SMESSAGES lpMessage)
char *ptr = messages->messageServEnv;
int len = strlen(messages->messageServEnv);
SMESSAGES messages;
char *ptr = messages->messageServEnv;
int len = strlen(messages->messageServEnv);
現在我可以用消息和結構值messageServEnv但如果我開始調試Visual Studio和我嘗試發送一個消息,我得到說消息沒有被初始化使用了錯誤的話,我改變部分到
SMESSAGES messages = new MESSAGE;
關於編輯,請參閱我的更新答案。 – 2012-04-19 08:39:36