2016-10-01 58 views

我試圖將下面的代碼從這個庫(https://github.com/dankogai/swift-json)轉換成Swift 3兼容的代碼。Swift 2到3遷移Swift序列協議

我很難搞清楚如何將Swift 2中使用的Sequence協議與Swift 3的正確版本進行轉換。我找不到Swift 2 Sequence協議更改的任何文檔,與3相比較。


extension JSON : Sequence { 
    public func generate()->AnyIterator<(AnyObject,JSON)> { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSArray: 
      var i = -1 
      return AnyIterator { 
       if i == o.count { return nil } 
       return (i as AnyObject, JSON(o[i])) 
     case let o as NSDictionary: 
      var ks = Array(o.allKeys.reversed()) 
      return AnyIterator { 
       if ks.isEmpty { return nil } 
       if let k = ks.removeLast() as? String { 
        return (k as AnyObject, JSON(o.value(forKey: k)!)) 
       } else { 
        return nil 
      return AnyIterator{ nil } 
    public func mutableCopyOfTheObject() -> AnyObject { 
     return _value.mutableCopy as AnyObject 


enter image description here


// json.swift 
// json 
// Created by Dan Kogai on 7/15/14. 
// Copyright (c) 2014 Dan Kogai. All rights reserved. 
import Foundation 
/// init 
public class JSON { 
    public let _value:AnyObject 
    /// unwraps the JSON object 
    public class func unwrap(obj:AnyObject) -> AnyObject { 
     switch obj { 
     case let json as JSON: 
      return json._value 
     case let ary as NSArray: 
      var ret = [AnyObject]() 
      for v in ary { 
       ret.append(unwrap(obj: v as AnyObject)) 
      return ret as AnyObject 
     case let dict as NSDictionary: 
      var ret = [String:AnyObject]() 
      for (ko, v) in dict { 
       if let k = ko as? String { 
        ret[k] = unwrap(obj: v as AnyObject) 
      return ret as AnyObject 
      return obj 
    /// pass the object that was returned from 
    /// NSJSONSerialization 
    public init(_ obj:Any) { self._value = JSON.unwrap(obj: obj as AnyObject) } 
    /// pass the JSON object for another instance 
    public init(_ json:JSON){ self._value = json._value } 
/// class properties 
extension JSON { 
    public typealias NSNull = Foundation.NSNull 
    public typealias NSError = Foundation.NSError 
    public class var null:NSNull { return NSNull() } 
    /// constructs JSON object from data 
    public convenience init(data:NSData) { 
     var err:NSError? 
     var obj:Any? 
     do { 
      obj = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(
       with: data as Data, options:[]) 
     } catch let error as NSError { 
      err = error 
      obj = nil 
     self.init(err != nil ? err! : obj!) 
    /// constructs JSON object from string 
    public convenience init(string:String) { 
     let enc:String.Encoding = String.Encoding.utf8 
     self.init(data: string.data(using: enc)! as NSData) 
    /// parses string to the JSON object 
    /// same as JSON(string:String) 
    public class func parse(string:String)->JSON { 
     return JSON(string:string) 
    /// constructs JSON object from the content of NSURL 
    public convenience init(nsurl:NSURL) { 
     var enc:String.Encoding = String.Encoding.utf8 
     do { 
      let str = try NSString(contentsOf:nsurl as URL, usedEncoding:&enc.rawValue) 
      self.init(string:str as String) 
     } catch let err as NSError { 
    /// fetch the JSON string from NSURL and parse it 
    /// same as JSON(nsurl:NSURL) 
    public class func fromNSURL(nsurl:NSURL) -> JSON { 
     return JSON(nsurl:nsurl) 
    /// constructs JSON object from the content of URL 
    public convenience init(url:String) { 
     if let nsurl = NSURL(string:url) as NSURL? { 
     } else { 
       userInfo:[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "malformed URL"] 
    /// fetch the JSON string from URL in the string 
    public class func fromURL(url:String) -> JSON { 
     return JSON(url:url) 
    /// does what JSON.stringify in ES5 does. 
    /// when the 2nd argument is set to true it pretty prints 
    public class func stringify(obj:AnyObject, pretty:Bool=false) -> String! { 
     if !JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(obj) { 
      let error = JSON(NSError(
       userInfo:[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an JSON object"] 
      return JSON(error).toString(pretty: pretty) 
     return JSON(obj).toString(pretty: pretty) 
/// instance properties 
extension JSON { 
    /// access the element like array 
    public subscript(idx:Int) -> JSON { 
     switch _value { 
     case _ as NSError: 
      return self 
     case let ary as NSArray: 
      if 0 <= idx && idx < ary.count { 
       return JSON(ary[idx]) 
      return JSON(NSError(
       domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:404, userInfo:[ 
        "[\(idx)] is out of range" 
      return JSON(NSError(
       domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:500, userInfo:[ 
        NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an array" 
    /// access the element like dictionary 
    public subscript(key:String)->JSON { 
     switch _value { 
     case _ as NSError: 
      return self 
     case let dic as NSDictionary: 
      if let val:Any = dic[key] { return JSON(val) } 
      return JSON(NSError(
       domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:404, userInfo:[ 
        "[\"\(key)\"] not found" 
      return JSON(NSError(
       domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:500, userInfo:[ 
        NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an object" 
    /// access json data object 
    public var data:AnyObject? { 
     return self.isError ? nil : self._value 
    /// Gives the type name as string. 
    /// e.g. if it returns "Double" 
    ///  .asDouble returns Double 
    public var type:String { 
     switch _value { 
     case is NSError:  return "NSError" 
     case is NSNull:   return "NSNull" 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C":    return "Bool" 
      case "q", "l", "i", "s": return "Int" 
      case "Q", "L", "I", "S": return "UInt" 
      default:     return "Double" 
     case is NSString:    return "String" 
     case is NSArray:    return "Array" 
     case is NSDictionary:   return "Dictionary" 
     default:      return "NSError" 
    /// check if self is NSError 
    public var isError:  Bool { return _value is NSError } 
    /// check if self is NSNull 
    public var isNull:  Bool { return _value is NSNull } 
    /// check if self is Bool 
    public var isBool:  Bool { return type == "Bool" } 
    /// check if self is Int 
    public var isInt:  Bool { return type == "Int" } 
    /// check if self is UInt 
    public var isUInt:  Bool { return type == "UInt" } 
    /// check if self is Double 
    public var isDouble:  Bool { return type == "Double" } 
    /// check if self is any type of number 
    public var isNumber:  Bool { 
     if let o = _value as? NSNumber { 
      let t = String(cString:o.objCType) 
      return t != "c" && t != "C" 
     return false 
    /// check if self is String 
    public var isString:  Bool { return _value is NSString } 
    /// check if self is Array 
    public var isArray:  Bool { return _value is NSArray } 
    /// check if self is Dictionary 
    public var isDictionary: Bool { return _value is NSDictionary } 
    /// check if self is a valid leaf node. 
    public var isLeaf:  Bool { 
     return !(isArray || isDictionary || isError) 
    /// gives NSError if it holds the error. nil otherwise 
    public var asError:NSError? { 
     return _value as? NSError 
    /// gives NSNull if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asNull:NSNull? { 
     return _value is NSNull ? JSON.null : nil 
    /// gives Bool if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asBool:Bool? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": return Bool(o.boolValue) 
       return nil 
     default: return nil 
    /// gives Int if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asInt:Int? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return nil 
       return Int(o.int64Value) 
     default: return nil 
    /// gives Int32 if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asInt32:Int32? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return nil 
       return Int32(o.int64Value) 
     default: return nil 
    /// gives Int64 if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asInt64:Int64? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return nil 
       return Int64(o.int64Value) 
     default: return nil 
    /// gives Float if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asFloat:Float? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return nil 
       return Float(o.floatValue) 
     default: return nil 
    /// gives Double if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asDouble:Double? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return nil 
       return Double(o.doubleValue) 
     default: return nil 
    // an alias to asDouble 
    public var asNumber:Double? { return asDouble } 
    /// gives String if self holds it. nil otherwise 
    public var asString:String? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSString: 
      return o as String 
     default: return nil 
    /// if self holds NSArray, gives a [JSON] 
    /// with elements therein. nil otherwise 
    public var asArray:[JSON]? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSArray: 
      var result = [JSON]() 
      for v:Any in o { result.append(JSON(v)) } 
      return result 
      return nil 
    /// if self holds NSDictionary, gives a [String:JSON] 
    /// with elements therein. nil otherwise 
    public var asDictionary:[String:JSON]? { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSDictionary: 
      var result = [String:JSON]() 
      for (ko, v): (Any, Any) in o { 
       if let k = ko as? String { 
        result[k] = JSON(v) 
      return result 
     default: return nil 
    /// Yields date from string 
    public var asDate:NSDate? { 
     if let dateString = _value as? String { 
      let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() 
      dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZ" 
      return dateFormatter.date(from: dateString) as NSDate? 
     return nil 
    /// gives the number of elements if an array or a dictionary. 
    /// you can use this to check if you can iterate. 
    public var count:Int { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSArray:  return o.count 
     case let o as NSDictionary: return o.count 
     default: return 0 
    public var length:Int { return self.count } 
    // gives all values content in JSON object. 
    public var allValues:JSON{ 
     if(self._value.allValues == nil) { 
      return JSON([]) 
     return JSON(self._value.allValues) 
    // gives all keys content in JSON object. 
    public var allKeys:JSON{ 
     if(self._value.allKeys == nil) { 
      return JSON([]) 
     return JSON(self._value.allKeys) 
extension JSON : Sequence { 
    public func generate()->AnyIterator<(AnyObject,JSON)> { 
     switch _value { 
     case let o as NSArray: 
      var i = -1 
      return AnyIterator { 
       if i == o.count { return nil } 
       return (i as AnyObject, JSON(o[i])) 
     case let o as NSDictionary: 
      var ks = Array(o.allKeys.reversed()) 
      return AnyIterator { 
       if ks.isEmpty { return nil } 
       if let k = ks.removeLast() as? String { 
        return (k as AnyObject, JSON(o.value(forKey: k)!)) 
       } else { 
        return nil 
      return AnyIterator{ nil } 
    public func mutableCopyOfTheObject() -> AnyObject { 
     return _value.mutableCopy as AnyObject 

extension JSON : CustomStringConvertible { 
    /// stringifies self. 
    /// if pretty:true it pretty prints 
    public func toString(pretty:Bool=false)->String { 
     switch _value { 
     case is NSError: return "\(_value)" 
     case is NSNull: return "null" 
     case let o as NSNumber: 
      switch String(cString:o.objCType) { 
      case "c", "C": 
       return o.boolValue.description 
      case "q", "l", "i", "s": 
       return o.int64Value.description 
      case "Q", "L", "I", "S": 
       return o.uint64Value.description 
       switch o.doubleValue { 
       case 0.0/0.0: return "0.0/0.0" // NaN 
       case -1.0/0.0: return "-1.0/0.0" // -infinity 
       case +1.0/0.0: return "+1.0/0.0" // infinity 
        return o.doubleValue.description 
     case let o as NSString: 
      return o.debugDescription 
      let opts = pretty ? JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted : JSONSerialization.WritingOptions() 
      if let data = (try? JSONSerialization.data(
       withJSONObject: _value, options:opts)) as NSData? { 
        if let result = NSString(
         data:data as Data, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue 
         ) as? String { 
          return result 
    public var description:String { return toString() } 

extension JSON : Equatable {} 
public func ==(lhs:JSON, rhs:JSON)->Bool { 
    // print("lhs:\(lhs), rhs:\(rhs)") 
    if lhs.isError || rhs.isError { return false } 
    else if lhs.isLeaf { 
     if lhs.isNull { return lhs.asNull == rhs.asNull } 
     if lhs.isBool { return lhs.asBool == rhs.asBool } 
     if lhs.isNumber { return lhs.asNumber == rhs.asNumber } 
     if lhs.isString { return lhs.asString == rhs.asString } 
    else if lhs.isArray { 
     for i in 0..<lhs.count { 
      if lhs[i] != rhs[i] { return false } 
     return true 
    else if lhs.isDictionary { 
     for (k, v) in lhs.asDictionary! { 
      if v != rhs[k] { return false } 
     return true 
    fatalError("JSON == JSON failed!") 

好的第一步是將'generate()'重命名爲'makeIterator()'。 – jtbandes


哇你做到了男人!這是修復!將其標記爲答案,那就是差異。 (我必須離開,但明天將標記爲正確答案,謝謝!) –



在斯威夫特3,generate()已更名爲makeIterator()。改變你的函數的名字應該可以解決這個問題。 (請注意,其他名稱也發生了變化,如AnyGenerator→AnyIterator,但看起來您的代碼中已經注意到了這一點。)

此更改已作爲SE-0006: Apply API Guidelines to the Standard Library的一部分實施。