2013-05-31 32 views

我想保存在RichEditBox中輸入的內容。以下是我的例子。我能夠通過使用「mytext.Text」成功使用TextBox,但沒有我可以看到RichEditBox的這種選項。如何在Visual Basic中使用RichEditBox保存文件?

Private Async Function Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) As Task 
    Dim savePicker As New FileSavePicker 
    savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary 
    ' Dropdown of file types the user can save the file as 

    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add(".txt", New List(Of String) From {".txt"}) 

    ' Default file name if the user does not type one in or select a file to replace 
    savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "New Document" 
    Dim file As StorageFile = Await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync 
    If file IsNot Nothing Then 
     ' Prevent updates to the remote version of the file until we finish making changes and call CompleteUpdatesAsync 

     ' Write to file 
     Await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, txtfile.) 
     ' Let Windows know that we are finished changing the file so the other app can update the remote version of the file. 
     ' Completing updates may require windows to ask for user input 
     Dim status As FileUpdateStatus = Await CachedFileManager.CompleteUpdatesAsync(file) 
    End If 

End Function 



