2011-12-02 127 views


我的網站是一個php-mysql應用程序,我已經爲我的網站中的新用戶註冊了一個程序,但我希望用戶有一個用他們的facebook ID登錄的選項,並且一旦他們登錄,我想要將他們的ID存儲在我的mysql數據庫中以便下次識別它們。





的帖子裏說,當你調用$facebook->require_login();它會提示用戶使用FB登錄,然後在成功登錄,在返回你的FB的ID,這樣你可以寫類似$fb_id = $facebook->require_login();,然後存儲$fb_id

下面是完整的Hello World示例 - 最好通過博客文章更完整的文檔閱讀:

/* include the PHP Facebook Client Library to help 
    with the API calls and make life easy */ 

/* initialize the facebook API with your application API Key 
    and Secret */ 
$facebook = new Facebook(YOUR_API_KEY,YOUR_SECRET_CODE); 

/* require the user to be logged into Facebook before 
    using the application. If they are not logged in they 
    will first be directed to a Facebook login page and then 
    back to the application's page. require_login() returns 
    the user's unique ID which we will store in fb_user */ 
$fb_user = $facebook->require_login(); 

/* now we will say: 
    Hello USER_NAME! Welcome to my first application! */ 

Hello <fb:name uid='<?php echo $fb_user; ?>' useyou='false' possessive='true' />! Welcome to my first application! 


/* We'll also echo some information that will 
    help us see what's going on with the Facebook API: */ 
echo "<pre>Debug:" . print_r($facebook,true) . "</pre>"; 


呃,這是非常,非常舊代碼(從2007年開始!)這裏使用的Auth機制和FBML標籤已被棄用,現在都不能使用--OP會更好從https://developers.facebook.com開始。我認爲 – Igy