2016-02-12 68 views



<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> 
    <service name="router"> 
    <service name="sname2"> 
    <service name="sname3"> 
    <service name="nick"> 
    <owner name="test"> 
    <content name="rule"> 


enter image description here

using System.Xml; 
using System.IO; 

namespace howto_load_treeview_from_xml 
    public partial class Form1 : Form 
     public Form1() 

     private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      string filename = Application.StartupPath; 
      filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(filename, "..\\.."); 
      filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename) + "\\test.xml"; 
      LoadTreeViewFromXmlFile(filename, trvItems); 

     // Load a TreeView control from an XML file. 
     private void LoadTreeViewFromXmlFile(string filename, TreeView trv) 
      // Load the XML document. 
      XmlDocument xml_doc = new XmlDocument(); 

      // Add the root node's children to the TreeView. 
      AddTreeViewChildNodes(trv.Nodes, xml_doc.DocumentElement); 

     // Add the children of this XML node 
     // to this child nodes collection. 
     private void AddTreeViewChildNodes(TreeNodeCollection parent_nodes, XmlNode xml_node) 
      foreach (XmlNode child_node in xml_node.ChildNodes) 
       // Make the new TreeView node. 
       TreeNode new_node = parent_nodes.Add(child_node.Name); 

       // Recursively make this node's descendants. 
       AddTreeViewChildNodes(new_node.Nodes, child_node); 

       // If this is a leaf node, make sure it's visible. 
       if (new_node.Nodes.Count == 0) new_node.EnsureVisible(); 

@Mairaj艾哈邁德擴大了加載代碼! –




private void AddTreeViewChildNodes(TreeNodeCollection parent_nodes, XmlNode xml_node) 
    foreach (XmlNode child_node in xml_node.ChildNodes) 
     var isTextNode = child_node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text; 
     var treeNodeName = isTextNode ? child_node.Value : child_node.Name; 

     // Make the new TreeView node. 
     TreeNode new_node = parent_nodes.Add(treeNodeName); 

     // Recursively make this node's descendants. 
     AddTreeViewChildNodes(new_node.Nodes, child_node); 

     // If this is a leaf node, make sure it's visible. 
     if(new_node.Nodes.Count == 0) new_node.EnsureVisible(); 

var isTextNode = child_node == XmlNodeType.Text;顯示錯誤 –


我的不好,已更新。應該已經'child_node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text'我認爲 – har07


謝謝分配兄弟...問題解決了! –