2013-12-10 14 views



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div style="float: left; width: 400px; height: 400px; margin-left: 5%;"> 
<img alt="slide" src="slideshow1.jpg" name="slide" width="400" height="400"/> 
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<div id="battle" style="float: left; width: 40%;"> 
<h1>Snowboarding or Skiing</h1> 
<p> "<strong>Snowboarding has been better than skiing since it was invented</strong> and nothing has changed 
with that in the last, roughly, 30 years. Skiers and snowboarders get along these days, 
share the slopes and even ride together, but snowboarding is still a superior sport. It's 
mellow that you followed us into the world of freestyle riding and we're happy to share 
our terrain parks and half pipes with you. We even let you hit our jibs. We don't mind 
that skiers rode our coattails into the X Games and now even the Olympics (I'm talking 
freestyle skiing here.) We're totally down with you guys and gals even if you are 
two-plankers. Nevertheless, snowboarding will always be on top."</p> 
<h4>Brad Farmer, Fuel T.V.</h4> 


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是否嘗試使用margin:0 auto;在身體的CSS? – Keith


這與你最後一個問題有什麼不同:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20499187/centering-my-body-to-the-menu-and-the-rest-of-the-page? – j08691


保證金:0汽車沒有工作......我編輯了最後一個問題。我真的需要這樣做,而且我知道如果我只是再次發佈一個,它會幫助它儘早得到答案。 – KStahljr



你有 '浮動:左;'在你試圖居中的項目上。你需要他們不在左邊居中。刪除並放入margin:auto;在他們。 http://jsfiddle.net/6q3QG/1/

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