public JsonResult LoadAudit(int id, string sheet)
FactsCustomerRepository<Cateringaudit> repo = new FactsCustomerRepository<Cateringaudit>();
//IQueryable<Cateringaudit> result = repo.GetAll(i => i.State == 1);
Cateringaudit result1 = repo.Get(id);
WorkBook wb = new WorkBook();
wb.read(new MemoryStream(result1.ExcelData));
object[] jsonObjects = new object[3];
//sheetnames to collect data from
string[] sheetNames = { "contract", "proces", "output" };
//itterate trough all sheets in excel file
for (int sheetCount = 0; sheetCount < sheetNames.Length; sheetCount++)
wb.Sheet = wb.findSheetByName(sheetNames[sheetCount]);
//Create new array with same lenght as rows with data
Dictionary<string, string[]> excelData = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
//iterate trough all rows in worksheet
for (int i = 1; i < wb.LastRow + 2; i++)
jsonObjects[sheetCount] = excelData;
return Json(jsonObjects);
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