2011-03-16 55 views


var line = "some long string of text"; 
["AppleScript", "Bluetooth", "DivX", "FireWire", "GarageBand", 
"iPhone", "iTunes", "iWeb", "iWork", "JavaScript", "jQuery", "MacBook", 
"MySQL", "PowerBook", "PowerPoint", "QuickTime", "TextEdit", "TextMate", 
// ... 
"Wi-Fi", "Xcode", "Xserve", "XMLHttpRequest"].forEach(function(name) { 
     line = line.replace(RegExp(name, "gi"), name); 




我的iPhone應用程序具有的UIViewController下一個用戶的形式。當我再次啓動應用程序時,我的一些UIView會改變它的位置和大小。 (這些UIViews取決於鍵盤的位置)某處肯定是我的錯。我試圖找出當應用程序從後臺重新啓動並且可以完成UIView更改時發生了什麼。


電話不是不必要的嗎?如果你想檢查大寫每個字符串,那麼你需要檢查每一個...只是因爲它不存在並不意味着檢查沒有必要... – 2011-03-16 11:54:45


@Sam但是必要的整個輸入?或者可以創建一個更智能的正則表達式來完成一次函數調用中的所有檢查? – 2011-03-16 11:59:31


好的,我明白你的觀點。 – 2011-03-16 12:04:35




function correct (text, words) { 
    return text.replace (RegExp ('\\b(?:(' + words.join (')|(') + '))\\b', 'ig'), function (m) { 
     for (var a = arguments.length - 2; a--;) 
     if (arguments[a]) 
     return words[a-1] || m; 

    console.log (correct ("My iphone itunes divx firewire application has a user form under uiviewcontroller. When I start application again some of my uiview changes its positions and sizes. (These uiviews depend on keyboard position) Somewhere is definitely my fault. I try to figure what is going on when application starts again from background and where the uiview changes can be done.", 
    ["AppleScript", "Bluetooth", "DivX", "FireWire", "GarageBand", 
"iPhone", "iTunes", "iWeb", "iWork", "JavaScript", "jQuery", "MacBook", 
"MySQL", "PowerBook", "PowerPoint", "QuickTime", "TextEdit", "TextMate", 
// ... 
"Wi-Fi", "Xcode", "Xserve", "XMLHttpRequest"])); 
My iPhone iTunes DivX FireWire application has a user form under UIViewController. When I start application again some of my UIView changes its positions and sizes. (These UIViews depend on keyboard position) Somewhere is definitely my fault. I try to figure what is going on when application starts again from background and where the UIView changes can be done. 

This turns out to be faster then the original code


現在這會比我現在的代碼更快嗎?爲什麼? – 2011-03-16 13:09:07


這個函數調用的次數是2 +(number_of_words_replaced)。其餘的繁重工作由快速的內部功能完成。如果單詞數組是靜態的,你可以消除每次調用時的正則表達式構建 – HBP 2011-03-16 13:44:18


正則表達式需要稍微修改,因爲它然後在單詞內匹配:'RegExp('\\ b(?:('+ words.join(')| (')+'))\\ b','ig')'這樣做。 – 2011-03-16 14:31:16