2016-11-30 51 views

我正在創建一個自動重啓的VBA excel程序。 當條件滿足時(例如「L」),該程序將嘗試重新啓動並嘗試滿足相反的條件(例如「S」)VBA自動重啓

所以,我想要創建的是: 如果我開始於L 滿足L ==>重新啓動==>履行S ==>重新啓動==>履行L ==>重新啓動......... 和類似的 如果我以S開頭 滿足S = =>重啓==>滿足大號==>重啓==>滿足小號==>重啓.........


Sub Start() 'start the program 
     continue = True 
     Call SPTrader.setBasicValue 
     Call auto_open 
    End Sub 

    Sub auto_open() 'only use this will auto open 
     If (continue = True) Then 
      Call ScheduleStartProgram 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub ScheduleStartProgram() 'method inside here will be looping until stop 
    t = 6/10 'set time to 0.6s 
      TimeToRun = now() + TimeSerial(0, 0, t) 
      Call DayTrade.findCurrenyClosestValue 
    End Sub 

Sub findCurrenyClosestValue() 'dynamic find the closest value 
     Call findClosestMarketPrice 
End Sub 

Private Sub findClosestMarketPrice() 'find next price 
    currentMarketPrice = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Cells(6, 11).Value 'set Market Price 
    If (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") <> 0 And currentMarketPrice >= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Text = "S" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Text = "s" And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") <> 0 And currentMarketPrice >= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6")) Then 'test stop poin 
     Call TimeOut.TimeOut(3) 'time out 3s 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("S3") = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6").Text 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "L" 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SP trader").Range("C5") = 0 'set amount=0 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SP trader").Range("C6") = 0 'set amount=0 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") = 0 
     Call StartAndStop.auto_close 
     Call StartAndStop.Start 'restart 
     Exit Sub 

    ElseIf (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") <> 0 And currentMarketPrice <= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Text = "L" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Text = "l" And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") <> 0 And currentMarketPrice <= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6")) Then 'test stop point 
     Call TimeOut.TimeOut(3) 'time out 3s 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("S3") = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6").Text 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "S" 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SP trader").Range("C5") = 0 'set amount=0 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SP trader").Range("C6") = 0 'set amount=0 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U6") = 0 
     Call StartAndStop.auto_close 
     Call StartAndStop.Start 'restart 
     Exit Sub 
    Else 'mainly run here 
     If (currentMarketPrice >= currentClosestPrice And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "L" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "l" And currentMarketPrice >= currentClosestPrice) Then 
     nextPriceYPosition = nextPriceYPosition - 1 
     nextPriceXPosition = 17 
     currentClosestPrice = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Cells(nextPriceYPosition, nextPriceXPosition) 
     If (stopPointMethodPosition = 1 And counter = 0) Then ' in order to ensure the stopPointMethodPosition no equal 0 
       stopPointMethodPosition = 0 
       counter = counter + 1 
     End If 
     stopPointMethodPosition = stopPointMethodPosition + 1 
     End If 
     If (currentMarketPrice <= currentClosestPrice And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "S" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5") = "s" And currentMarketPrice <= currentClosestPrice) Then 
      nextPriceYPosition = nextPriceYPosition + 1 
      If nextPriceYPosition = 40 Then ' if next price at the boundary, show message 
       Call StartAndStop.auto_close 
      End If 
      nextPriceXPosition = 17 
      currentClosestPrice = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Cells(nextPriceYPosition, nextPriceXPosition) 
      If (stopPointMethodPosition = 1 And counter = 0) Then ' in order to ensure the stopPointMethodPosition no equal 0 
       stopPointMethodPosition = 0 
       counter = counter + 1 
      End If 
      stopPointMethodPosition = stopPointMethodPosition + 1 
     End If 
     If (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Value <> "NA") Then 'for safety 
       Call FindMethodPosition.runAllFindMethodPosition 
     End If 
     If (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Value = "L" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Value = "l") Then 
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Cells(nextPriceYPosition + 1, nextPriceXPosition).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) 'set now price blue 
     ElseIf (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Value = "S" Or ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Range("U5").Value = "s") Then 
      ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TradingPage").Cells(nextPriceYPosition - 1, nextPriceXPosition).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) 'set now price blue 
     End If 
    End If 
End Sub 

例如,當我開始與L和currentMarketPrice < = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(「TradingPage」)。範圍(「U6」),它進入findClosestMarketPrice()併成功返回「s」和Call StartAndStop.Start'重新啓動

但是,當它以S開頭且「Current StartPrice>> ThisWorkbook.Sheets(」TradingPage「)。」範圍「(」U6「) 時,它會自動進入findClosestMarketPrice()兩次。 贊: 如果我以L開頭 滿足L ==>重啓==>履行S ==>重啓==>履行L ==>履行L ==>重啓==>履行S ==>履行S = =>重啓......... 和類似 如果我以S開頭 滿足S ==>重啓==>履行L ==>重啓==>履行S ==>履行S ==>重啓==>履行L ==>履行L ==>重啓.........


如何創建程序是這樣的: 如果我以L 開始履行大號==>重啓==>履行小號==>重啓==>履行大號==>重新開始...... ... 如果我帶S 履行小號==>重啓==>履行大號==>重啓==>履行小號==>重新啓動類似 .........





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Public ScheduleS As Boolean 

Sub ReStart() 'method inside here will be looping until stop 
    Application.OnTime Now + 0.000001, "'ReOpen" & Chr(34) & (Not ScheduleS) & Chr(34) & "'" 
    ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True 
End Sub 

Sub ReOpen(bSchedule As Boolean) 
    ScheduleS = bSchedule 
    MsgBox ScheduleS 
End Sub