2017-06-21 65 views

從窗口執行一個monkeyrunner命令命令提示符(管理員)返回一個錯誤,指出無法訪問jar文件.. 框架 monkeyrunner-25.3.2.jar

無法訪問jar文件.. \框架\ monkeyrunner-25.3.2.jar


monkeyrunner -help text Help 

命令我能找到下\本地\ Android的\ SDK \工具這個jar \ LIB路徑。



我遇到了同樣的問題。對於命令提示符用戶,bat文件中存在一些錯誤monkeyrunner.bat。 修復它在26秒內:

  1. 其中包含monkeyrunner.bat目錄創建一個文件mymonkeyrunner.bat

  2. 複製下面mymonkeyrunner.bat的代碼。

    @echo off 
    rem Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project 
    rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
    rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
    rem You may obtain a copy of the License at 
    rem  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
    rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
    rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
    rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
    rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
    rem limitations under the License. 
    rem don't modify the caller's environment 
    rem Set up prog to be the path of this script, including following symlinks, 
    rem and set up progdir to be the fully-qualified pathname of its directory. 
    set prog=%~f0 
    rem Change current directory and drive to where the script is, to avoid 
    rem issues with directories containing whitespaces. 
    cd /d %~dp0 
    rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path. 
    set java_exe= 
    call ..\lib\find_java.bat 
    if not defined java_exe goto :EOF 
    for /f %%a in ("%APP_HOME%\lib\monkeyrunner-25.3.2.jar") do set jarfile=%%~nxa 
    set frameworkdir=. 
    set libdir= 
    if exist %frameworkdir%\%jarfile% goto JarFileOk 
        set frameworkdir=..\lib 
    if exist %frameworkdir%\%jarfile% goto JarFileOk 
        set frameworkdir=..\framework 
    set jarpath=%frameworkdir%\%jarfile% 
    if not defined ANDROID_SWT goto QueryArch 
        set swt_path=%ANDROID_SWT% 
        goto SwtDone 
        for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%frameworkdir%\..\bin\archquery') do set swt_path=%frameworkdir%\%%a 
    if exist "%swt_path%" goto SetPath 
        echo SWT folder '%swt_path%' does not exist. 
        echo Please set ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your platform. 
        exit /B 
    call "%java_exe%" -Xmx512m "-Djava.ext.dirs=%frameworkdir%;%swt_path%" -Dcom.android.monkeyrunner.bindir=..\..\platform-tools -jar %jarpath% %*