2015-12-04 105 views



例如從下面。數據包含2種產品的說明。我將如何返回2 sku字段,即["ABCDEF","CDEFG"]甚至如何訪問兩個產品的整個Identity數據類型。



Just (Response {response = [Body {productId = 5555, brandId = 10, productTypeId = 1, identity = Identity {sku = "ABCDEF", ean = "1111", barcodls {taxable = False, taxCode = TaxCode {taxCodeId = 7, code = "T1"}}, variations = [Variation {optionId = 1, optionName = "option1", optionVal111221", barcode = "2443222"}, productGroupId = 17, stock = Stock {stockTracked = True, weight = Weight {magnitude = 0.0}, dimensions = Dimensption1", optionValueId = 5, optionValue = "5"},Variation {optionId = 2, optionName = "option2", optionValueId = 14, optionValue = "14"}]}]}) 



    "response": [ 
     "id": 5555, 
     "brandId": 10, 
     "productTypeId": 1, 
     "identity": { 
     "sku": "ABCDEF", 
     "ean": "1111", 
     "barcode": "2222" 
     "productGroupId": 17, 
     "stock": { 
     "stockTracked": true, 
     "weight": { 
      "magnitude": 0 
     "dimensions": { 
      "length": 0, 
      "height": 0, 
      "width": 0, 
      "volume": 0 
     "financialDetails": { 
     "taxable": false, 
     "taxCode": { 
      "id": 7, 
      "code": "T1" 
     "variations": [ 
      "optionId": 1, 
      "optionName": "option1", 
      "optionValueId": 5, 
      "optionValue": "5" 
      "optionId": 2, 
      "optionName": "option2", 
      "optionValueId": 14, 
      "optionValue": "OS" 
     "id": 9999, 
     "brandId": 10, 
     "productTypeId": 1, 
     "identity": { 
     "sku": "CDEFG", 
     "ean": "111221", 
     "barcode": "2443222" 
     "productGroupId": 17, 
     "stock": { 
     "stockTracked": true, 
     "weight": { 
      "magnitude": 0 
     "dimensions": { 
      "length": 0, 
      "height": 0, 
      "width": 0, 
      "volume": 0 
     "financialDetails": { 
     "taxable": false, 
     "taxCode": { 
      "id": 7, 
      "code": "T1" 
     "variations": [ 
      "optionId": 1, 
      "optionName": "option1", 
      "optionValueId": 5, 
      "optionValue": "5" 
      "optionId": 2, 
      "optionName": "option2", 
      "optionValueId": 14, 
      "optionValue": "14" 



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 

import Data.Aeson 
import Control.Applicative 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS 

jsonFile :: FilePath 
jsonFile = "test.json" 

getJSON :: IO BS.ByteString 
getJSON = BS.readFile jsonFile 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    input <- getJSON 
    let json = decode input :: Maybe Response 
    case json of 
     Nothing -> print "error parsing JSON" 
     Just m -> print json 

data Response = Response 
    { response :: [Body] 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Response where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Response <$> v .: "response" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data Body = Body 
    { productId   :: Int 
    , brandId   :: Int 
    , productTypeId  :: Int 
    , identity   :: Identity 
    , productGroupId :: Int 
    , stock    :: Stock 
    , financialDetails :: FinancialDetails 
    , variations  :: [Variation] 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Body where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Body 
     <$> v .: "id" 
     <*> v .: "brandId" 
     <*> v .: "productTypeId" 
     <*> v .: "identity" 
     <*> v .: "productGroupId" 
     <*> v .: "stock" 
     <*> v .: "financialDetails" 
     <*> v .: "variations" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data Identity = Identity 
    { sku  :: String 
    , ean  :: String 
    , barcode :: String 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Identity where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Identity 
     <$> v .: "sku" 
     <*> v .: "ean" 
     <*> v .: "barcode" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data Stock = Stock 
    { stockTracked :: Bool 
    , weight  :: Weight 
    , dimensions :: Dimensions 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Stock where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Stock 
     <$> v .: "stockTracked" 
     <*> v .: "weight" 
     <*> v .: "dimensions" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data Weight = Weight 
    { magnitude    :: Double 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Weight where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Weight 
     <$> v .: "magnitude" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data Dimensions = Dimensions     
    { length    :: Double 
    , height    :: Double 
    , width     :: Double 
    , volume    :: Double 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Dimensions where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Dimensions 
     <$> v .: "length" 
     <*> v .: "height" 
     <*> v .: "width" 
     <*> v .: "volume" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data FinancialDetails = FinancialDetails  
    { taxable    :: Bool 
    , taxCode    :: TaxCode 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON FinancialDetails where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = FinancialDetails 
     <$> v .: "taxable" 
     <*> v .: "taxCode" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 

data TaxCode = TaxCode      
    { taxCodeId     :: Int 
    , code     :: String 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON TaxCode where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = TaxCode 
     <$> v .: "id" 
     <*> v .: "code" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty  

data Variation = Variation   
    { optionId    :: Int 
    , optionName   :: String 
    , optionValueId   :: Int 
    , optionValue   :: String 
    } deriving (Show) 

instance FromJSON Variation where 
    parseJSON (Object v) = Variation 
     <$> v .: "optionId" 
     <*> v .: "optionName" 
     <*> v .: "optionValueId" 
     <*> v .: "optionValue" 
    parseJSON _ = mempty 




data Response = Response 
    { _response :: [Body] 
    } deriving (Show) 



import Control.Lens hiding (Identity) 


makeLenses ''Response 
makeLenses ''Body 
makeLenses ''Identity 
makeLenses ''Stock 
makeLenses ''Weight 
makeLenses ''Dimensions 
makeLenses ''FinancialDetails 
makeLenses ''TaxCode 
makeLenses ''Variation 

這將使用模板哈斯克爾生成一串爲你的功能稱爲鏡頭。這些有一個奇怪的類型,我現在不會進入(這裏有plenty of tutorials),但它們都將與您的字段名稱減去下劃線相同。

這些新功能可以讓你做一些非常瘋狂的事情。例如,如果你想所有的sku s的響應裏面你可以做

> -- Unwrap the Maybe here 
> Just json <- decode <$> getJSON 
> toListOf (response.traversed.identity.sku) json 
> -- Or as an alternative to toListOf you can use the operator ^.. 
> json^..response.traversed.identity.sku 


> json^?response.ix 0.identity 
Just (Identity {_sku="ABCDEF", _ean="111", _barcode="222"}) 
> let Just ident = json^?response.ix 0.identity 
> ident^.sku 


allSkus :: Response -> [String] 
allSkus r = map (_sku . _identity) $ _response r 


> let newjson = (response.ix 0.identity.sku .~ "FOOBAR") json 
> newjson^..response.traversed.identity.sku 



這很棒,你的解釋非常清楚。再次感謝。 – matthias