2013-04-30 30 views


tooltip: { 
      useHTML: true, 
      valueDecimals: 2, 
      backgroundColor: 'none', 
      borderColor: '#c0c0c0', 
      borderRadius: 0, 
      borderWidth: 0, 
      xDateFormat: '%d %b %y', 
      headerFormat: '<div class="chart-tooltip"><span class="tooltip-header">{point.key}</span><br><div class="markers"><span class="tooltip-bg"></span>', 
      pointFormat: '<span class="tooltip-marker" style="background: {series.color};"></span>' + 
       '<span class="tooltip-series" style="color: {series.color};">{point.y}</span><br>', 
      footerFormat: '</div></div>', 
      animation: false, 
      shadow: false, 
      style: { 
       padding: '0px' 


enter image description here所以問題是當十字線在圖表的左側,工具提示移到右側,箭頭在錯誤的一側。

enter image description here







    positioner:function(boxWidth, boxHeight, point){ 


* Place the tooltip in a chart without spilling over 
* and not covering the point it self. 

getPosition: function (boxWidth, boxHeight, point) { 

// Set up the variables 
var chart = this.chart, 
    plotLeft = chart.plotLeft, 
    plotTop = chart.plotTop, 
    plotWidth = chart.plotWidth, 
    plotHeight = chart.plotHeight, 
    distance = pick(this.options.distance, 12), 
    pointX = point.plotX, 
    pointY = point.plotY, 
    x = pointX + plotLeft + (chart.inverted ? distance : -boxWidth - distance), 
    y = pointY - boxHeight + plotTop + 15, // 15 means the point is 15 pixels up from the bottom of the tooltip 

// It is too far to the left, adjust it 
if (x < 7) { 
    x = plotLeft + mathMax(pointX, 0) + distance; 

// Test to see if the tooltip is too far to the right, 
// if it is, move it back to be inside and then up to not cover the point. 
if ((x + boxWidth) > (plotLeft + plotWidth)) { 
    x -= (x + boxWidth) - (plotLeft + plotWidth); 
    y = pointY - boxHeight + plotTop - distance; 
    alignedRight = true; 

// If it is now above the plot area, align it to the top of the plot area 
if (y < plotTop + 5) { 
    y = plotTop + 5; 

    // If the tooltip is still covering the point, move it below instead 
    if (alignedRight && pointY >= y && pointY <= (y + boxHeight)) { 
     y = pointY + plotTop + distance; // below 

// Now if the tooltip is below the chart, move it up. It's better to cover the 
// point than to disappear outside the chart. #834. 
if (y + boxHeight > plotTop + plotHeight) { 
    y = mathMax(plotTop, plotTop + plotHeight - boxHeight - distance); // below 

return {x: x, y: y}; 

我發現這個在這裏說明一下:Highcharts tooltip always on right side of cursor,這樣你就可以檢查並玩這個選項。


對,謝謝,是的,我也看到了這一點,但我不確定這是否能幫助我滿足我的需求,這是否讓您看到工具提示的位置並在事件發生變化時觸發事件? – hcharge 2013-04-30 14:10:33


定位器包含一個函數,所以在「返回」之前可以添加一些代碼,並且您可以使用point.plotX和具有boxWidth的大小來定位,您可以嘗試計算。檢查此:http://jsfiddle.net/bAw5J/80/ – Lorenzo 2013-04-30 14:30:55


非常感謝我會看看 – hcharge 2013-04-30 14:58:53