app.factory('dataFactory', ['$http', function ($http) {
var urlBase = '/odata/ContentTypes';
// The _object_ defined in the factory is returned to the caller, rather than as with a service,
// where the _function_ defined in the service is returned to the caller
var dataFactory = {};
dataFactory.getContentTypes = function() {
var contentTypes = $http.get(urlBase);
return contentTypes;
dataFactory.getContentType = function (id) {
return $http.get(urlBase + '/' + id);
dataFactory.insertContentType = function (contentType) {
return $http.post(urlBase, contentType);
dataFactory.updateContentType = function (contentType) {
return $http.put(urlBase + '/' + contentType.ID, contentType);
dataFactory.deleteContentType = function (id) {
return $http.delete(urlBase + '/' + id);
// to traverse navigation properties
//dataFactory.getUserFromContentTypeId = function (id) {
// return $http.get(urlBase + '/' + id + '/user');
//dataFactory.getOrders = function (id) {
// return $http.get(urlBase + '/' + id + '/orders');
return dataFactory;
好東西。我做了'$ http'的簡單重構,我稍後可能會改變......小步驟。我將OData URL Base放在具體的存儲庫中,而不是在控制器中。當然有用,但是想知道是否推薦? – ElHaix
我真的很喜歡這種方法! – beeman
不錯,我在找它! – Sajgoniarz