2016-06-30 48 views



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<div class="row"> 
<div class="col-md-9"> 
<div class="job-list"> 
    <div class="single-job" id="first"> 
     <h3>Balancing Technician</h3> 
     <table class="my-table"> 
     <tr class="table_heading"> 
      <th class="text-danger">Profile</th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Company </th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Interview</th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Location</th> 
     <tr class="table_details"> 
      <td>Age 22 - 45 Should Have Minimum 3 Years Exp</td> 
      <td>Adams Ship Building And Repairs </td> 
      <td>Dubai, United Arab Emirates</td> 
     <a href="#" class="view_btn">View this Job</a> 

<div class="job-list"> 
    <div class="single-job"> 
     <h3>Balancing Technician</h3> 
     <table class="my-table"> 
     <tr class="table_heading"> 
      <th class="text-danger">Profile</th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Company </th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Interview</th> 
      <th class="text-danger">Location</th> 
     <tr class="table_details"> 
      <td>Age 22 - 45 Should Have Minimum 3 Years Exp</td> 
      <td>Adams Ship Building And Repairs </td> 
      <td>Dubai, United Arab Emirates</td> 
     <a href="#" class="view_btn">View this Job</a> 
</div><!--end of col-md-9--> 

<div class="col-md-3"> 
<div class="sidebar"> 
    <span class="single_title">Industries We Serve <hr align="left"></span> 
    <ul class="industry-list"> 
</div><!--end of col-md-3--> 
</div><!--end of row--> 

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