我見過很多可解決此問題的帖子和網站。我已經嘗試了我找到的每個解決方案,但沒有一個能夠工作(我一直試圖解決這個問題)。我看過很多帖子都有相同的聲音問題,但是這個解決方案對我來說並不適用,或者不適用。這就是說...VSTO Addin for Outlook無法正常工作
我有一個Outlook 2007加載項,旨在將文本添加到電子郵件的標題和正文中。它爲所有使用.msi文件的用戶安裝。有一個我去年部署的舊版本可以正常工作。我創建的新版本只有一些小的輸入/輸出變化,沒有什麼重大的變化。這個新版本在我的開發計算機上完全適用於Visual Studio調試和實際安裝。但是,我無法使它在非開發計算機上工作。以下是該計劃和目標計算機上的細節(開發計算機和目標計算機的細節比一個事實,即在目標計算機上沒有Visual Studio中的其它相同):
-Using Visual Studio Professional 2013
-Written in Visual Basic
-Target Framework is .NET 4.0
-The add-in is only run once the "send" button on an email is clicked.
-Outlook version is Outlook 2007
-Operating system is Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 32-bit
的問題是,在添加 - 在目標計算機上不會加載(是的,我知道,其他bazillion其他人也有同樣的問題)。正如我之前所說的,在調試和安裝版本中,它在我的電腦上都能正常工作。這讓我覺得其他計算機缺少一些東西,所以我嘗試將.NET 4.0框架安裝到目標計算機上,但它告訴我它已經安裝。我跑過了所有我能想到的事情,無濟於事。以下是它的表現:
-Installs fine with no errors.
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/Outlook/Addins/EmailMarkTool/LoadBehavior = 3 after installation.
-Outlook opens with no apparent errors.
-LoadBehavior = 0 immediately after Outlook is opened.
-Shows up in the Add-ins under "Inactive Application Add-ins."
-Never shows up under "Disabled Add-ins."
-In the "COM Add-Ins" dialog where I can check which add-ins to use, it shows the correct directory and the Load Behavior is "Unloaded."
-The add-in can be checked. When I click "OK" I don't get any errors. When I go back to the Add-ins, it is unchecked and "Unloaded" again.
-Setting the LoadBehavior to 3 doesn't help because it goes back to 0 as soon as Outlook is started again.
-I inserted a try-catch block into the New() function of the add-in that has a MsgBox pop-up and a Throw.
-I get absolutely no errors anywhere.
-No log file is generated.
不知道你是否看着這個http:// stackoverflow。com/questions/4668777/how-to-trouble-trouble-a-vsto-addin-that-does-not-load但它可能有幫助。 –
@JimHewitt是的,我多次閱讀那一個。我的加載項從未顯示在禁用的加載項中。 – ajlampman
我猜你已經看到這也https://www.outlook-apps.com/inactive-outlook-add-ins/,但以防萬一,有一節「啓用不活動的Outlook加載項繼續被卸載: –