2017-06-13 72 views

我已經創建了'struct FireBaseData',它使我能夠從Firebase中檢索數據。我想將數據轉換爲字典數組,然後以.txt文件的形式將內容輸出到桌面。如何將self.bookingInfo轉換爲字典數組?如何轉換字典數組中的FIRDataSnapshot? Swift 3

func startObservingDB() { 

dbRef.child(FullData.uid!).observe(.value, with: { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) in 

     // an instance of FireBaseData holding all bookings under currentUid 
     var newBookingInfo = [FireBaseData]() 

//iterate over all children under /FullData.uid! path 
    for customer in snapshot.children { 

     //the customer node starting with cus... 
     let customerObject = customer as! FIRDataSnapshot 

     //customer key 
      self.customerKey = customerObject.key 
      print("this is the Stripe customer that can be charged \(customerObject.key)") 

//now iterate over each booking which is located under customerObject in Firebase 
    for booking in customerObject.children { 

     // after each iteration through snapshot.children, create an instance of FireBaseData with 'booking' for the current iteration & assign it to bookingItem 
      var bookingItem = FireBaseData(snapshot: booking as! FIRDataSnapshot) 

     //assign key of the parent to each booking 
       bookingItem.Key = self.customerKey 

      // append the bookingItem after each iteration to newBookingInfo array 

     } // end of for booking in myCustomer 

    } // end of for customer in snapshot.children 

     //assign newBookingInfo to global variable 
     self.bookingInfo = newBookingInfo 

// sort the array in place so that the most recent date will appear first 
self.bookingInfo.sort(by: {(DateAndTimeObject_1,DateAndTimeObject_2) -> Bool in 

    DateAndTimeObject_1.TimeStampDateAndTime > DateAndTimeObject_2.TimeStampDateAndTime 

    let arrayOfDictionary = self.bookingInfo.flatMap { $0.toAnyObject() as? [String:Any] } 
    let stringSeparated = arrayOfDictionary.joined(separator: "-") 
print("stringSeparated \(stringSeparated)") 

    }, withCancel: { (Error:Any) in 
     print("Error firebase \(Error)") 

    } // end of startObservingDB() 

//Model to retrive data 

import Foundation 
import UIKit 
import Firebase 
import FirebaseDatabase 

struct FireBaseData { 

// Create our Firebase Data model 
// get arbitrary data 

var FirebaseUserID:String! 
var PaymentID:String! 
var BookingAmount:String! 
var BookingNumber:String! 
var Key:String! 
var PostCode:String! 
var SelectedBathRow:Int! 
var SelectedBedRow:Int! 

var DateAndTime:String! 
var TimeStampDateAndTime:Int! 
var TimeStampBookingSavedInDB:Int! 

var BookingStatusClient:Bool! 
var BookingStatusAdmin:Bool! 
var BookingCompleted:Bool! 

//used in RootController and RootController1 to determine if the booking has already been cancelled or not 
var CostToCancelClient:String! 
var CostToCancelAdmin:String! 

var CostToRescheduleAdmin:String! 
var CostToRescheduleClient:String! 

var DoormanOption:String! 
var EntryInstructions:String! 
var NoteInstructions:String! 

var FrequencyName:String! 
var FrequecyAmount:Int! 
var insideCabinets:Bool! 
var insideFridge:Bool! 
var insideOven:Bool! 
var laundryWash:Bool! 
var interiorWindows:Bool! 

var SuppliesName:String! 
var SuppliesAmount:Int! 
var FullName:String! 
var FlatNumber:String! 
var StreetAddress:String! 
var PhoneNumber:String! 
var EmailAddress:String! 

let Ref:FIRDatabaseReference? 



Key:String = "") { 

    self.BookingAmount = BookingAmount 
    self.BookingNumber = BookingNumber 
    self.Key = Key 
    self.PostCode = PostCode 
    self.SelectedBathRow = SelectedBathRow 
    self.SelectedBedRow = SelectedBedRow 
    self.DateAndTime = DateAndTime 
    self.TimeStampDateAndTime = TimeStampDateAndTime 

    self.BookingStatusClient = BookingStatusClient 
    self.BookingStatusAdmin = BookingStatusAdmin 
    self.BookingCompleted = BookingCompleted 

    self.FrequencyName = FrequencyName 
    self.FrequecyAmount = FrequecyAmount 

    self.insideCabinets = insideCabinets 
    self.insideFridge = insideFridge 
    self.insideOven = insideOven 
    self.laundryWash = laundryWash 
    self.interiorWindows = interiorWindows 

    self.FullName = FullName 
    self.SuppliesName = SuppliesName 
    self.SuppliesAmount = SuppliesAmount 
    self.FlatNumber = FlatNumber 

    self.StreetAddress = StreetAddress 
    self.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber 
    self.EmailAddress = EmailAddress 
    self.Ref = nil 


// Content 
// receive data from our firebase database 


    if let firebaseUserID = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["FirebaseUserID"] as? String { 
     FirebaseUserID = firebaseUserID 

    if let paymentID = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["PaymentID"] as? String { 
     PaymentID = paymentID 

    if let BookingAmountContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["BookingAmount"] as? String { 
     BookingAmount = BookingAmountContent 

    if let BookingNumberContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["BookingNumber"] as? String { 
     BookingNumber = BookingNumberContent 

    Key = snapshot.key 
    Ref = snapshot.ref 

    if let PostCodeContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["PostCode"] as? String { 
     PostCode = PostCodeContent 

    if let SelectedBathRowContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["SelectedBathRow"] as? String { 
     SelectedBathRow = Int(SelectedBathRowContent) 

    if let SelectedBedRowContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["SelectedBedRow"] as? String { 
     SelectedBedRow = Int(SelectedBedRowContent) 

    if let DateAndTimeContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["DateAndTime"] as? String { 
     DateAndTime = DateAndTimeContent 

    if let TimeStampDateAndTimeContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["TimeStampDateAndTime"] as? String { 
     TimeStampDateAndTime = Int(TimeStampDateAndTimeContent) 

    if let TimeStampBookingSavedInDBContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["TimeStampBookingSavedInDB"] as? String { 
    TimeStampBookingSavedInDB = Int(TimeStampBookingSavedInDBContent) 

    if let BookingStatusClientContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["BookingStatusClient"] as? String{ 
     BookingStatusClient = Bool(BookingStatusClientContent) 

    if let BookingStatusAdminContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["BookingStatusAdmin"] as? String { 
     BookingStatusAdmin = Bool(BookingStatusAdminContent) 

    if let BookingCompletedContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["BookingCompleted"] as? String { 
     BookingCompleted = Bool(BookingCompletedContent) 

    if let costToCancelCient = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["CostToCancelClient"] as? String { 
     CostToCancelClient = costToCancelCient 

    if let costToCancelAdmin = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["CostToCancelAdmin"] as? String { 
     CostToCancelAdmin = costToCancelAdmin 

    if let costToRescheduleAdmin = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["CostToRescheduleAdmin"] as? String { 
     CostToRescheduleAdmin = costToRescheduleAdmin 

    if let costToRescheduleClient = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["CostToRescheduleClient"] as? String { 
     CostToRescheduleClient = costToRescheduleClient 

    if let doormanOption = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["DoormanOption"] as? String { 
     DoormanOption = doormanOption 

    if let entryInstructions = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["EntryInstructions"] as? String { 
     EntryInstructions = entryInstructions 

    if let noteInstructions = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["NoteInstructions"] as? String { 
     NoteInstructions = noteInstructions 

    if let FrequencyNameContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["FrequencyName"] as? String { 
     FrequencyName = FrequencyNameContent 

    if let FrequecyAmountContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["FrequecyAmount"] as? String { 
     FrequecyAmount = Int(FrequecyAmountContent) 

    if let insideCabinetsContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["InsideCabinets"] as? String { 
     insideCabinets = Bool(insideCabinetsContent) 

    if let insideFridgeContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["InsideFridge"] as? String { 
     insideFridge = Bool(insideFridgeContent) 

    if let insideOvenContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["InsideOven"] as? String { 
     insideOven = Bool(insideOvenContent) 

    if let laundryWashContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["LaundryWash"] as? String { 
     laundryWash = Bool(laundryWashContent) 

    if let interiorWindowsContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["InteriorWindows"] as? String { 
     interiorWindows = Bool(interiorWindowsContent) 

    if let FullNameContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["FullName"] as? String { 
     FullName = FullNameContent 

    if let SuppliesNameContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["SuppliesName"] as? String { 
     SuppliesName = SuppliesNameContent 

    if let SuppliesAmountContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["SuppliesAmount"] as? String { 
     SuppliesAmount = Int(SuppliesAmountContent) 

    if let FlatNumberContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["FlatNumber"] as? String { 
     FlatNumber = FlatNumberContent 

    if let StreetAddressContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["StreetAddress"] as? String { 
     StreetAddress = StreetAddressContent 

    if let PhoneNumberContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["PhoneNumber"] as? String { 
     PhoneNumber = PhoneNumberContent 

    if let EmailAddressContent = (snapshot.value! as? NSDictionary)?["EmailAddress"] as? String { 
     EmailAddress = EmailAddressContent 

func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject { 

    var someDict = [String : Any]() 

    someDict["FirebaseUserID"] = self.FirebaseUserID as AnyObject? 
    someDict["PaymentID"] = self.PaymentID as AnyObject? 
    someDict["BookingAmount"] = self.BookingAmount as AnyObject? 
    someDict["BookingNumber"] = self.BookingNumber as AnyObject? 
    someDict["PostCode"] = self.PostCode as AnyObject? 
    someDict["SelectedBathRow"] = self.SelectedBathRow as AnyObject? 
    someDict["SelectedBedRow"] = self.SelectedBedRow as AnyObject? 
    someDict["DateAndTime"] = self.DateAndTime as AnyObject? 
    someDict["TimeStampDateAndTime"] = self.TimeStampDateAndTime as AnyObject? 
    someDict["TimeStampBookingSavedInDB"] = self.TimeStampBookingSavedInDB as AnyObject? 
    someDict["BookingStatusClient"] = self.BookingStatusClient as AnyObject? 
    someDict["BookingStatusAdmin"] = self.BookingStatusAdmin as AnyObject? 
    someDict["BookingCompleted"] = self.BookingCompleted as AnyObject? 

    someDict["CostToCancelClient"] = self.CostToCancelClient as AnyObject? 
    someDict["CostToCancelAdmin"] = self.CostToCancelAdmin as AnyObject? 
    someDict["CostToRescheduleAdmin"] = self.CostToRescheduleAdmin as AnyObject? 
    someDict["CostToRescheduleClient"] = self.CostToRescheduleClient as AnyObject? 

    someDict["DoormanOption"] = self.DoormanOption as AnyObject? 
    someDict["EntryInstructions"] = self.EntryInstructions as AnyObject? 
    someDict["NoteInstructions"] = self.NoteInstructions as AnyObject? 

    someDict["FrequencyName"] = self.FrequencyName as AnyObject? 
    someDict["FrequecyAmount"] = self.FrequecyAmount as AnyObject? 
    someDict["insideCabinets"] = self.insideCabinets ? "true" : "false" 
    someDict["insideFridge"] = self.insideFridge ? "true" : "false" 
    someDict["insideOven"] = self.insideOven ? "true" : "false" 
    someDict["laundryWash"] = self.laundryWash ? "true" : "false" 
    someDict["interiorWindows"] = self.interiorWindows ? "true" : false 
    someDict["FullName"] = self.FullName as AnyObject? 
    someDict["SuppliesName"] = self.SuppliesName as AnyObject? 
    someDict["SuppliesAmount"] = self.SuppliesAmount as AnyObject? 
    someDict["FlatNumber"] = self.FlatNumber as AnyObject? 
    someDict["StreetAddress"] = self.StreetAddress as AnyObject? 
    someDict["PhoneNumber"] = self.PhoneNumber as AnyObject? 
    someDict["EmailAddress"] = self.EmailAddress as AnyObject? 

    return someDict as AnyObject 


Desired Output as per Nirav request 

EmailAddress": [email protected], 
"PhoneNumber": 07476953923, 

「PaymentID」:ch_1ARd6yLCZ34Ur7XG4wAqaH9H, 「BookingAmount」:27

EmailAddress": [email protected], 
"PhoneNumber": 07476953923, 
"PaymentID": ch_1ARd6yLCZ34Ur7XG4wAqaH9H, 
"BookingAmount": 27 

    EmailAddress": [email protected], 
    "PhoneNumber": 07476953923, 
    "PaymentID": ch_1ARd6yLCZ34Ur7XG4wAqaH9H, 
    "BookingAmount": 27 




let arrayOfDictionary = self.bookingInfo.flatMap { $0.toAnyObject() as? [String:Any] } 



它的工作的類型,但有一個問題,當我打電話'toAnyObject()'函數與上面的建議,在布爾值'arrayOfDictionary'顯示爲Int,其中1表示真,0表示假,而不是真和假。給定我的初始模型,我將如何得到有關Bool值的字符串值的結果。 – bibscy


我試圖輸出'arrayOfDictionary'內容到一個.txt文件到桌面這就是爲什麼我需要有字符串而不是Bool這些值 – bibscy


@bibscy好吧然後你可以做的是多一個這樣的方法,因爲你不能改變這一個,因爲你正在使用這個與Firebase和之後,當你設置布爾值與鍵設置它就像這樣。 'someDict [「insideOven」] = self.insideOven? 「true」:「false」 –