2014-05-14 63 views





#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <algorithm> //for max<> 
#include <limits> 

using namespace std; 

typedef vector <int> ivec; 
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement 
typedef vector <bool> bvec; 

struct graph 
    imatrix edges; //list of attached vertices for each node 
    int numVertices; 

//I understand the ostream overloading 
ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, ivec &vec) 
    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) 
     stream << vec[i] << " "; 
    return stream; 

ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, graph &g) 
    stream << endl << "numVert = " << g.numVertices << endl; 
    for (int i = 0; i < g.numVertices; i++) 
     stream << "vertex = " << i+1 << " | edges = " << g.edges[i] << endl; 
    return stream; 

const int sentinel = -1; 

bvec inTree; 
ivec distanceNodes; 
ivec parents; 

void initGraph(graph * g); 
void insertEdge(graph * g, int nodeNum, int edgeNum); 
void initSearch(graph * g); 
void shortestPath(graph * g, int start, int end); 

int main() 
    //I understand the main, the two numbers in insertEdge are being hooked together and the two numbers in shortestPath are what we are looking to connect in the shortest way possible 
    graph g; 
    insertEdge(&g, 1, 2); 
    insertEdge(&g, 1, 3); 
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 1); 
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 3); 
    insertEdge(&g, 2, 4); 
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 1); 
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 2); 
    insertEdge(&g, 3, 4); 
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 2); 
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 3); 
    insertEdge(&g, 4, 5); 
    insertEdge(&g, 5, 4); 
    insertEdge(&g, 6, 7); 
    insertEdge(&g, 7, 6); 
    cout << "The graph is " << g << endl; 
    shortestPath(&g, 1, 5); 
    shortestPath(&g, 2, 4); 
    shortestPath(&g, 5, 2); 
    shortestPath(&g, 1, 7); 
    return 0; 

void initGraph(graph * g) 
    g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0? 

void insertEdge(graph * g, int nodeNum, int edgeNum) 
    int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other 
    numVertices = max(1, numVertices); 
    if (numVertices > g->numVertices) 
     for (int i = g->numVertices; i <= numVertices; i++) 
      ivec nodes; 
      if (g->edges.size() < i) 
       g -> edges.push_back(nodes); 
     g->numVertices = numVertices; 
    g->edges[nodeNum - 1].push_back(edgeNum); 

void initSearch(graph * g) //I believe this function simply resets the values from a previous search 
    if (g == NULL) 
    for (int i = 0; i <= g->numVertices; i++) 
     distanceNodes.push_back(numeric_limits <int> :: max()); 

void shortestPath(graph * g, int start, int end) 
    //Very confused about how this function works 
    int edge; 
    int curr; //current node 
    int dist; 
    distanceNodes[start] = 0; 
    curr = start; 
    while (! inTree[curr]) 
     inTree[curr] = true; 
     ivec edges = g->edges[curr - 1]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) 
      edge = edges[i]; 

      if (distanceNodes[edge] > distanceNodes[curr] + 1) 
       distanceNodes[edge] = distanceNodes[curr] + 1; 
       parents[edge] = curr; 
     curr = 1; 
     dist = numeric_limits <int> :: max(); 
     for (int i = 1; i <= g->numVertices; i++) 
      if ((!inTree[i]) && (dist > distanceNodes[i])) 
       dist = distanceNodes[i]; 
       curr = i; 
    ivec path; 
    if (distanceNodes[end] == numeric_limits <int> :: max()) //is there a numeric_limits <string> :: max? 
     cout << "No way from " << start << " to " << end << endl; 
     int temp = end; 
     while (temp != start) 
      temp = parents[temp]; 
     reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); 
     cout << "From " << start << " to " << end << " is " << path << endl; 


謝謝 特里斯坦





void initGraph(graph * g) 
    g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0? 

A.看 - 它默認初始化爲:

int main() 
    graph g; 

現在看defi圖表的名稱 - 它沒有構造函數:

struct graph 
    imatrix edges; //list of attached vertices for each node 
    int numVertices; 

因此,默認情況下邊緣會被正確初始化,因爲矢量具有構造函數。但是numVertices是一個原始類型,所以它將包含任何隨機值發生在該內存位置 - 這意味着它需要手動初始化。這就是爲什麼initGraph不需要初始化邊緣,但它確實需要初始化numVertices。


int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other 

A.根據http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/max/ Max使用「功能用途運算符<(或comp,如果提供)來比較這些值。「但std :: strings可以使用<運算符進行比較,所以確實沒有問題。


typedef vector <int> ivec; 
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement 

A.你可以用[]訪問一個矢量,所以如果你有一個名爲x的imatrix類型的變量,你可以說x [0]這將返回一個ivec(因爲這是存儲在一個imatrix矢量中的對象的類型,所以如果你說x [0] [0],將返回存儲在由x返回IVEC的第一個整數[0]要改變它使用一個字符串只是說:

typedef vector <std::string> ivec; 
typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; 


您還需要#include <string>


謝謝,這是非常有幫助的!我有一個後續問題:你說max可以用來比較沒有問題的字符串,你知道一個字符串比另一個字符串「大」的標準嗎?它是基於長度還是字母值或別的東西?謝謝 – Tristan

typedef vector <ivec> imatrix; //A vector of vectors, not how this works or how to implement 

這裏圖表被表示爲Adjacency Matrix。您還可以使用Adjacency List來表示一個圖形,其中每個節點將包含相鄰節點的數組/鏈接列表。

g -> numVertices = 0; //Why set the number of vertices to 0? 


int numVertices = max(nodeNum, edgeNum); //Max finds the larger of two numbers I believe? How can this be used with strings, one is not bigger than the other 


ivec nodes; 
if (g->edges.size() < i) 
    g -> edges.push_back(nodes); 

上面的代碼插入新的頂點。您可能會在此處爲您的版本執行integer comparison,而不是string,字符串是節點的數據,而不是節點的編號。如果你需要字符串比較,C++已經爲此重載了運算符。



所以,就我的理解而言,鄰接矩陣就像一個網格,其中每個節點在圖中都有一排,並且每個節點可能具有的邊的列都是連接,連接用1表示,非連接用0表示。它是否正確? – Tristan