2014-04-11 87 views





* Created by Broomhead0 on 4/11/14. 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
public class Userlist 

    //private User[] users; // this is an array that will store references to all users 
    ArrayList<User> users; //this is an arraylist that will store references to all users 

    private int numberUsr; // this is the number of users that is currently stored in the user. Always smaller or equal to maxUser 

    public Userlist() 

     users = new ArrayList<User>(); 
     numberUsr = 0; // at start no user stored yet 

    // find a user in the list based on the username 
    public User findUser(String username) 
     // iterate through the array; only iterate according to how many users are currently in the array 
     for (int i = 0; i < numberUsr; i++) 
      // access the particular user through users.(i), then get the name, 
      // and call the equals method on that name to compare it with the input username 
      if (users.get(i).userName.equals(username)){ 
       return users.get(i); 

     // no user found 
     return null; 
    // add a user to the list; only do so if the user does not yet exist 
    public void addUser(User u) 
     if (findUser(u.userName) != null) //if there is a match, 
      System.out.println("User already exists"); 
     else //if there is not match 
      users.add(u); //add the username 


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public User findUser(String username) 
    // iterate through the array; only iterate according to how many users are currently in the array 
    for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) 
     // access the particular user through users.(i), then get the name, 
     // and call the equals method on that name to compare it with the input username 
     if (users.get(i).userName.equals(username)){ 
      return users.get(i); 

    // no user found 
    return null; 

感謝@quaertym和Krzysztof的快速回答! – broomhead0