2017-06-14 108 views

我是Jquery的新手。我有一個jquery的一段代碼,它分配PAN名稱來標記從j#中轉換後從c#字典返回的。當我獲得警戒值(粗線)時。它顯示未定義。jquery - 從C#詞典中獲取價值


    success: function (data) { 
         var msgi = data.MSG; 
         var panno; 
         if (msgi != "A" && msgi != "B") { 
          alert(msgi); ////// Here undefined is showing 

/////// This is last part of method. 

          if (words.Length > 0) 
           PANCard pc = new PANCard(); 

           if (words[0] == "1" && words[2] == "E") 
            pc.PANNumber = words[1]; 
            pc.LastName = words[3]; 
            pc.FirstName = words[4]; 
            pc.MiddleName = words[5]; 
            pc.Title = words[6]; 
            pc.LastUpdated = words[7]; ////DateTime.ParseExact(words[7], @"d/M/yyyy", culture); 

            var panno = pc.Title + " " + pc.FirstName + " " + pc.MiddleName + " " + pc.LastName; 
            Returndict.Add("MSG", "B"); 
            return Json(panno, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 


感謝 Nandkumar S.


請您做一個減少代碼的例子嗎? (請參閱:http://www.sscce.org/)我相當肯定你發佈的大部分代碼與問題並不相關。也可以考慮在調試器中加入C#代碼和JS代碼,以查看您要返回到網頁的什麼值,以及發生錯誤的代碼行處發生了什麼。 – millimoose


親愛的millimoose, thianks您的答覆。我縮短了代碼。 – satputenandkumar


你從來沒有真正從你的C#代碼或'pc'返回'ReturnDict',只有'panno'字符串。除非將其放入所示代碼之外的JSON響應中。 – millimoose




1. Create a response class 

public class JsonReaponse 
    public bool Success { get; set; } 
    public string Message { get; set; } 
    public object Data { get; set; } = new List<string>(); 

2. Use a response class with object 

JsonReaponse reaponse = new JsonReaponse(); 
if (words.Length > 0) 
    PANCard pc = new PANCard(); 
    if (words[0] == "1" && words[2] == "E") 
     pc.PANNumber = words[1]; 
     pc.LastName = words[3]; 
     pc.FirstName = words[4]; 
     pc.MiddleName = words[5]; 
     pc.Title = words[6]; 
     pc.LastUpdated = words[7]; ////DateTime.ParseExact(words[7], @"d/M/yyyy", culture); 

     var panno = pc.Title + " " + pc.FirstName + " " + pc.MiddleName + " " + pc.LastName; 
     reaponse.Message = "Your Message"; 
     reaponse.Data = panno; 
     return Json(reaponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

3. In jQuery 

success: function (res) { 
    var msgi = res.Message; 
    var panno = res.Data; 
    if (msgi != "A" && msgi != "B") { 
     alert(msgi); ////// Here undefined is showing 


感謝Govind, 這幫了我很多...... :) – satputenandkumar