2011-05-15 98 views

最近,我的朋友幫我修復了背景覆蓋問題。我有一個問題,如果對話框的高度超出了原來的網站背景,它會在中間切掉疊加層。他的修復解決了它。jQuery UI對話框滾動條+覆蓋設置不會卸載




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      <h1 align="justify">Bonus Features</h1> 
      <p><strong><em><a href="../ridiculous/">Ridiculous: The Mindful Nonsense of Ricky’s Brain</a></em> is jam-packed with hundreds of pages of writing, but there are always limitations when it comes to books.  Below are some extras that readers may find entertaining, kind of like a DVD!</strong></p> 
      <h2><strong><u>From The Book (with excerpts)</u></strong></h2> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/extras/2009-02-23-the-girl-who-saved-my-life.html');">The Girl Who Saved My Life</a></strong><br /> 
      A true story about an amazing girl who stole my heart.  Includes a photo and video of interesting items.</p> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/extras/2009-08-10-rickys-adventures-in-bikini-land.html');">Ricky’s Adventures In Bikini Land</a></strong><br /> 
      A satirical recount of my 「adventures」 in Niagara Falls.  Includes a window scene photo from the room where my family and I stayed.</p> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/extras/2009-08-25-the-brain-behind-his-words.html');">The Brain Behind His Words</a></strong><br /> 
      A brutally honest narrative of the things that go on inside my head.  Includes a full-size photo of myself that was an inspiration for the piece.</p> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/extras/2009-08-30-rickys-moments-of-wtf.html');">Ricky’s Moments Of WTF?!</a></strong><br /> 
      About the stranger happenings in the life of yours truly.  Includes a few photos of… embarrassing things.</p> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/extras/2010-05-09-appreciating-mothers-the-how-to-guide.html');">Appreciating Mothers: The How-To Guide</a></strong><br /> 
      A comical yet hopefully endearing guide on how to appreciate mothers.  Includes a poem I wrote about the uterus.</p> 
      <h2><strong><u>Pages That Didn’t Make It</u></strong> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/deletedpages/2005-12-04-rickys-romantic-analogies.html');">Ricky’s Romantic Analogies</a></strong><br /> 
      No matter how much I edited this entry, it continued to remain… corny.  Though, it did become a pivotal part of the romantic ideas for my following writings.</p> 
      <p><strong><a href="javascript:openDialog('../../pages/book/bonusfeatures/deletedpages/2006-08-29-monkey-see-monkey-do.html');">Monkey See, Monkey Do</a></strong><br /> 
      This one seemed a little out of place for the book, despite the title.  It also had too many photos that only look good in colour.</p> 
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您能通過[jsFiddle](http://jsFiddle.net)爲我們重現此功能嗎? – 2011-05-16 19:45:40


不幸的是,我真的不知道如何。我可以在這裏複製並粘貼所有必要的代碼嗎? – DearRicky 2011-05-16 20:02:34


當然,如果你給我你正在使用的html/css/js,我可以嘗試創建一個jsFiddle。 – 2011-05-16 20:19:47





$(this).dialog("option", "position", ['center', 'center']); 



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請參閱上文。我還建議花時間閱讀/瀏覽至少一次jQuery UI API端到端 – 2011-05-17 07:02:26


感謝你的幫助。非常感謝。不幸的是,它不起作用,但我的朋友回來了答案。我會盡快發佈。 – DearRicky 2011-05-17 18:34:21