我想從ajax查詢我的數據庫中的記錄,例如浮點變量(地圖座標)(查詢float列)。我不知道,如果類似的方法可以查詢不是字符串數據類型,因爲這個沒有工作......SQLalchemy - 用於查詢float列
data = json.loads(request.data)
markers = session.query(Markers) \
.filter(Markers.lat.like('%' + data['lat'] + '%')) \
.filter(Markers.lng.like('%' + data['lng'] + '%')) \
if len(markers) <= 0:
return jsonify(resp = 'no results')
return jsonify(resp = 'markers', markers = [m.serialize for m in markers])
ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) operator does not exist: double precision ~~ unknown
LINE 3: WHERE markers.lat LIKE '%%' AND markers.lng LIKE '%%' ORDER ...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
'SELECT markers.id AS markers_id, markers.type AS markers_type, markers.name AS markers_name, markers.location AS markers_location, markers.lat AS markers_lat, markers.lng AS markers_lng, markers.icon AS markers_icon, markers.message AS markers_message, markers.date AS markers_date, markers.place_id AS markers_place_id, markers.owner AS markers_owner \nFROM markers \nWHERE markers.lat LIKE %(lat_1)s AND markers.lng LIKE %(lng_1)s ORDER BY random() \n LIMIT %(param_1)s' {'lng_1': '%%', 'param_1': 7, 'lat_1': '%%'}
怎麼回事? sqlalchemy func模塊是否有將查詢float列作爲字符串的方法?我該如何解決?謝謝!
我會給它一個try.Thanks! – ryanwaite28
謝謝,它工作完美! – ryanwaite28