如何從工具欄中移除超長按鈕和縮進按鈕。我發現刪除列表的按鈕存儲在哪裏,但沒有按鈕的選項。可能嗎。我試過這個,但是這不起作用:bootstrap3-wysiwyg - 刪除超長按鈕並縮進按鈕
toolbar: {
"font-styles": true, //Font styling, e.g. h1, h2, etc. Default true
"emphasis": true, //Italics, bold, etc. Default true
"lists": true, //(Un)ordered lists, e.g. Bullets, Numbers. Default true
"html": false, //Button which allows you to edit the generated HTML. Default false
"link": true, //Button to insert a link. Default true
"image": true, //Button to insert an image. Default true,
"color": false, //Button to change color of font
"blockquote": true, //Blockquote
lists: {
unordered: 'Unordered list',
ordered: 'Ordered list',