我在玩Ruby on Rails,我試圖用可選參數創建一個方法。顯然有很多方法可以做到這一點。我嘗試將可選參數命名爲散列,並且不定義它們。輸出是不同的。看看:Ruby方法和可選參數
# This functions works fine!
def my_info(name, options = {})
age = options[:age] || 27
weight = options[:weight] || 160
city = options[:city] || "New York"
puts "My name is #{name}, my age is #{age}, my weight is #{weight} and I live in {city}"
my_info "Bill"
-> My name is Bill, my age is 27, my weight is 160 and I live in New York
-> OK!
my_info "Bill", age: 28
-> My name is Bill, my age is 28, my weight is 160 and I live in New York
-> OK!
my_info "Bill", weight: 200
-> My name is Bill, my age is 27, my weight is 200 and I live in New York
-> OK!
my_info "Bill", city: "Scottsdale"
-> My name is Bill, my age is 27, my weight is 160 and I live in Scottsdale
-> OK!
my_info "Bill", age: 99, weight: 300, city: "Sao Paulo"
-> My name is Bill, my age is 99, my weight is 300 and I live in Sao Paulo
-> OK!
# This functions doesn't work when I don't pass all the parameters
def my_info2(name, options = {age: 27, weight: 160, city: "New York"})
age = options[:age]
weight = options[:weight]
city = options[:city]
puts "My name is #{name}, my age is #{age}, my weight is #{weight} and I live in #{city}"
my_info2 "Bill"
-> My name is Bill, my age is 27, my weight is 160 and I live in New York
-> OK!
my_info2 "Bill", age: 28
-> My name is Bill, my age is 28, my weight is and I live in
-> NOT OK! Where is my weight and the city??
my_info2 "Bill", weight: 200
-> My name is Bill, my age is , my weight is 200 and I live in
-> NOT OK! Where is my age and the city??
my_info2 "Bill", city: "Scottsdale"
-> My name is Bill, my age is , my weight is and I live in Scottsdale
-> NOT OK! Where is my age and my weight?
my_info2 "Bill", age: 99, weight: 300, city: "Sao Paulo"
-> My name is Bill, my age is 99, my weight is 300 and I live in Sao Paulo
-> OK!
可選參數的第二種方法有什麼問題嗎? 第二種方法只適用於如果我沒有傳遞任何可選參數或者如果我傳遞它們全部。
這是我的問題的解決方案。在閱讀@ texasbruce關於覆蓋原始散列的解釋之後,將「默認」散列與散列散列合併是合理的。謝謝! – 2012-04-19 18:42:26
因爲'options'將被重新分配,所以你可以在原地進行更新:'options.reverse_update(年齡:27,體重:160,城市:「紐約」)' – tokland 2012-04-19 18:51:04