我的服務器正在關閉,因爲電氣。當我在SSMS中打開我的數據庫時,數據庫正在恢復等待狀態。 我檢查了我的錯誤日誌,該消息是:數據庫恢復掛起 - SQL Server 2014
4 transactions rolled forward in database 'POSDW' (14:0). This is an informational message only. No user action is required. restoreHkDatabase: DbId 14, Msg 41313, Level 16, State 1, The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was 2.
[ERROR] Database ID: [14] 'POSDW'. Failed to load XTP checkpoint. Error code: 0x82000009. (d:\sql12_main_t\sql\ntdbms\hekaton\sqlhost\sqlmin\hkhostdb.cpp : 3126 - 'RecoverHkDatabase') Error: 41313, Severity: 16, State: 1.
我已經嘗試脫機,但是當我把網上我得到的錯誤。 你們能幫助我嗎?
嘗試恢復沒有恢復選項,或重新附加mdf/ldf文件 – DhruvJoshi
好吧,我會盡力,謝謝 – Henry
你有沒有使用內存表? –