setwd( 「C:\用戶\ fredd \收存箱\ Grad_Life \ Spring_2017 \ AFM \ Final_Paper \」)
KWTProd.df = read.csv("Merge1//Kwht_Production_07-15.csv", header=T)
##Did this to verify "Production.Period.End.Date"
[1] "Application.Number"
[2] "Program.Administrator"
[3] "Program"
[4] "Total.Cost"
[5] "System.Owner.Sector"
[6] "Host.Customer.Sector"
[7] "Host.Customer.Physical.Address.City"
[8] "Host.Customer.Physical.Address.County"
[9] "Host.Customer.Physical.Address.Zip.Code"
[10] "PBI.Payment.."
[11] "Production.Period.End.Date"
[12] "Period_kWh_Production" <-IT EXISTS ##
##Did this to plot changes of Period_kWh_Production over time##
plot(Period_kWh_Production ~ Production.Period.End.Date, data = KWTProd.df)
##Tried to do this to aggregate data in average##
##Still too noisy and can't find the mean by year :C##
as.date(Production.Period.End.Date, data = KWTProd.df)
##Says "Production.Period.End.Date" Not found BUT IT EXISTS##
##Tried this to group and summarise by year but it says: Error in UseMethod("mutate_") :
no applicable method for 'mutate_' applied to an object of class "function" ##
summary <- df %>%
mutate(dates = dmy(Production.Period.End.Date),
year = year(Production.Period.End.Date)) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
sd = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
##Trying this but have no clue how I am supposed to use this##
不知道太多關於代碼,但正則表達式是'\ d {2}/\ d {2}/\ d {4}' – sln