AuthenticationManager.Login desn't的工作,我想通過AuthenticationManager.Login(用戶)登錄用戶,但是當我檢查用戶通過AuthenticationManager.GetActiveUser(),我得到「外聯網\匿名「用戶。但是,當我嘗試登錄之前創建的虛擬用戶時,它可以正常工作。與指定用戶
Log.Info(string.Format("Trying to login with unique key '{0}'...", uniqueKey), item);
User user = FindDocCheckUserByUniqueKey(uniqueKey);
Log.Info(string.Format("User found by unique key '{0}': {1}", uniqueKey, user != null ? user.Name : "null"), item);
AuthenticationManager.Login((user != null ? user : BuildDocCheckUser()).Name); // login user found by unique key or the virtual user
user = AuthenticationManager.GetActiveUser();
Log.Info(string.Format("Active user: {0}", user != null ? user.Name : "null"), item);
Log.Info(string.Format("Active user is authenticated: {0}", user != null && user.IsAuthenticated), item);
3640 13:23:30 INFO Trying to login with unique key '596e2c332f6b0f34241039ec8ce9c18d'...
3640 13:23:30 INFO User found by unique key '596e2c332f6b0f34241039ec8ce9c18d': extranet\dc_596e2c332f6b0f34241039ec8ce9c18d
3640 13:23:30 INFO Active user: extranet\Anonymous
3640 13:23:30 INFO Active user is authenticated: False
3560 13:22:48 INFO Trying to login with unique key '395f625038a3293fe1f10eff84529556'...
3560 13:22:48 INFO User found by unique key '395f625038a3293fe1f10eff84529556': null
3560 13:22:48 INFO Active user: extranet\DocCheck User
3560 13:22:48 INFO Active user is authenticated: True
你可以嘗試給這個方法添加第二個參數AuthenticationManager.Login(user,true);這是來自AuthenticationManager類的方法:public static bool Login(string userName,bool persistent) –
這不會'工作。同樣的效果。 :-( – tngraessler
你能檢查FindDocCheckUserByUniqueKey(uniqueKey)爲什麼用戶爲空嗎?什麼是用戶的唯一ID? –