Dim PassValidate As Boolean = False
NOFilms = NOFilms + 1
ReDim Preserve Film(NOFilms)
'Validate before it is saved to the file'
If IsNumeric(Me.txtFilmID.Text) = True Then
If Me.txtFilmID.TextLength = 0 Then
'Presence check'
MsgBox("You are required to provide a value for the film ID")
ElseIf Me.txtFilmID.TextLength > 4 Then
'Length Check'
MsgBox("The film ID must be 4 numbers long")
ElseIf Me.txtFilmID.TextLength = 4 Then
PassValidate = True
End If
End If
If IsNumeric(Me.txtFilmID.Text) = False Then
MsgBox("The film ID must be a set of numbers ")
End If
If PassValidate = False Then
txtFilmID.Text = ""
MsgBox("Re-enter the value for Film ID")
Call SaveFilmData()
End If
If PassValidate = True Then
Film(NOFilms).FilmID = txtFilmID.Text
End If
Loop Until PassValidate = True
它保持循環,因爲它是一個循環。用戶沒有機會重新輸入或修復錯誤 – Plutonix
@Plutonix否,該循環的條件爲「Loop Until PassValidate = True」! – duDE
您需要決定這是[tag:vba]還是[tag:vb.net] - VBA UserForm與VB.NET/WinForms Form沒有多大關係。看着'As Boolean = False'聲明,這必須是.net代碼。這就是說你將布爾值初始化爲默認值,這是多餘的。 –