我一直在這上面衝擊我一陣子,希望有人能幫忙嗎? 我有一些JavaPNS代碼,當從我的本地機器運行時,它會將罰款推到我的設備,但是,當我將該代碼複製到我的服務器時,一切運行正常,沒有錯誤,但我從來沒有得到我的設備上的警報? 從我的服務器檢查日誌與我的本地框相比,我發現我從來沒有在我的服務器上得到刷新消息,我使用30個線程的JavaPNS隊列。在這兩種情況下,本地盒子和服務器,我發送少於30個警報。JavaPNS - 從筆記本電腦正常工作,而不是從服務器?
public class PushWorker
private PushQueue queue = null;
public PushWorker(File keystore, String password, boolean production) throws KeystoreException
int threads = 30;
this.queue = Push.queue(keystore, password, production, threads);
public void push(String message, String sound, String token, String eventId) throws JSONException
BasicDevice bd = new BasicDevice();
PushNotificationPayload payload = PushNotificationPayload.complex();
payload.addCustomDictionary("eid", eventId);
push(payload, bd);
private void push(Payload payload, Device device)
queue.add(payload, device);
4872 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Flushing
4872 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - At this point, the entire 139-bytes message has been streamed out successfully through the SSL connection
4872 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Notification sent on first attempt
---------------------- BELOW是服務器JavaPNS日誌記錄------------------ -----
0 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.communication.ConnectionToAppleServer - Creating SSLSocketFactory
16 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.communication.ConnectionToAppleServer - Creating SSLSocketFactory
49 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.communication.ConnectionToAppleServer - Creating SSLSocket to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195
49 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.communication.ConnectionToAppleServer - Creating SSLSocket to gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195
177 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Initialized Connection to Host: [gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com] Port: [2195]: 5117f31e[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com/,port=2195,localport=56015]]
DEBUG javapns.notification.Payload - Adding alert [blah, blah my alert]
14767 [main] DEBUG javapns.notification.Payload - Adding sound [default]
14767 [main] DEBUG javapns.notification.Payload - Adding custom Dictionary [eid] = [193790]
14776 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Building Raw message from deviceToken and payload
14776 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Built raw message ID 16777217 of total length 135
14777 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - Attempting to send notification: {"aps":{"sound":"default","alert":"blah, blah my alert"},"eid":"193790"}
14777 [JavaPNS grouped notification thread in QUEUE mode] DEBUG javapns.notification.PushNotificationManager - to device: [my device number]
謝謝比爾。我不認爲這是問題,因爲我可以使用這種方法從服務器發送警報:Push.payloads(密鑰倉庫,密碼,生產,列表); 我決定切換到批量發送而不是隊列發送這種方法... – steve 2012-04-10 02:26:35