處理程序 -爲什麼AppleScript不能在此測試代碼中將hash的firstValue轉換爲類型引用?
on run
end run
on foo()
set the hash to {firstValue:1, secondValue:2}
set the hashRef to a reference to the hash
return the firstValue of hashRef
end foo
on run
set the hash to {firstValue:1, secondValue:2}
set the hashRef to a reference to the hash
return the firstValue of hashRef
end run
下面的代碼失敗,因爲AppleScript的Can’t make firstValue of hash into type reference.
編輯:菲利普的答案指出我正確的方向,現在我看到了什麼使我困惑。 The official AppleScript docs指出「AppleScript通過引用傳遞所有參數,這意味着處理程序和調用者之間共享一個傳遞的變量,就好像該處理程序使用set命令創建了一個變量」。 但是,這並不意味着AppleScript傳遞一個AppleScript參考對象作爲每個參數!
on run
end run
on isRef(someValue)
someValue as reference
return true
on error
return false
end try
end isRef
on foo()
log "In foo()"
set the objectList to makeObjectList()
log "objectList isRef =" & isRef(objectList)
set theObject to makeObject given id:0, name:"Test"
addObjectToObjectList(theObject, objectList)
log "foo(): object name =" & name of theObject
log item 1 of allItems of objectList
log item 1 of goodItems of objectList
set the name of item 1 of allItems of objectList to "Test3"
log item 1 of allItems of objectList
log item 1 of goodItems of objectList
end foo
on makeObjectList()
set the hash to {allItems:{}, goodItems:{}, badItems:{}}
return the hash
end makeObjectList
on makeObject given name:theName, id:theId
set theObject to {name:theName, id:theId}
return theObject
end makeObject
on addObjectToObjectList(object, objectList)
log "In addObjectToObjectList"
log "object isRef =" & isRef(object)
copy object to the end of allItems of the objectList
set objectRef to a reference to the last item in allItems of the objectList
set name of objectRef to "Test2"
log "object name =" & name of object
log "objectRef isRef =" & isRef(objectRef)
log "objectRef name =" & name of (contents of objectRef)
copy objectRef to the end of goodItems of the objectList
end addObjectToObjectList
(*In foo()*) (*objectList isRef =false*) (*In addObjectToObjectList*) (*object isRef =false*) (*object name =Test*) (*objectRef isRef =true*) (*objectRef name =Test2*) (*foo(): object name =Test*) (*name:Test2, id:0*) (*name:Test2, id:0*) (*name:Test3, id:0*) (*name:Test3, id:0*)
問題的關鍵是,我不能在處理程序中引用局部變量 - 但只要這些引用存儲回該記錄中,我就可以引用記錄的某些部分,這是我之後的功能。
你想要做什麼,需要參考?我只問,因爲我一直在Applescript工作多年,而且我從來沒有需要參考,特別是在如此簡單的情況下。您不需要創建對記錄的引用來訪問請求的值。我對引用的基本理解是,它與指針類似。 – 2010-08-25 20:26:52
@Philip - 我不認爲我需要引用,但我的代碼似乎沒有工作沒有他們...我(試圖)做的是在內存中維護一個複雜的數據結構,並將它傳遞給各種處理程序來處理它。我還讀到使用引用速度要快得多... – Josh 2010-08-25 20:28:45
@Philip:請參閱[Apple's Docs](http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/AppleScript/Conceptual/AppleScriptLangGuide/reference/ASLR_classes.html# // apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000983-CH1g-BBCDBHIE),特別是關於「對於大型列表,在將大量項目插入列表時使用對運算符的引用更有效」的部分。我會看看我是否可以讓我的代碼無w/o裁判工作。 – Josh 2010-08-25 20:37:04