我一直在研究python3中的tkinter,並發現它很難找到很好的文檔和在線答案。爲了幫助他人解決同樣的問題,我決定發佈一個解決方案,解決一個簡單的問題,那就是沒有在線文檔。解決方案:Python3 Tkinter從一個窗口跳轉到另一個窗口到另一個按鈕
- 創建一個根窗口。
- 創建儘可能多的框架,因爲您有窗口呈現給用戶。將所有幀附加到根窗口。
- 填充每個框架與它需要的所有小部件。
- 當所有的幀都被填充後,用
方法隱藏每一幀,但保留第一幀爲非隱藏狀態,使其成爲可見幀。框架上的所有子部件都將隱藏在框架中。 - 當用戶單擊窗口上的下一個或後退按鈕時,調用隱藏其他框架的子例程(使用
)。 - 如果您希望程序結束,請使用destroy-method作爲根窗口。
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Creates three "windows" that the user can navigate through using Back and Next - buttons.
import tkinter
import tkinter.ttk
def create_widgets_in_first_frame():
# Create the label for the frame
first_window_label = tkinter.ttk.Label(first_frame, text='Window 1')
first_window_label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=10, padx=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
# Create the button for the frame
first_window_quit_button = tkinter.Button(first_frame, text = "Quit", command = quit_program)
first_window_quit_button.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
first_window_next_button = tkinter.Button(first_frame, text = "Next", command = call_second_frame_on_top)
first_window_next_button.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
def create_widgets_in_second_frame():
# Create the label for the frame
second_window_label = tkinter.ttk.Label(second_frame, text='Window 2')
second_window_label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=10, padx=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
# Create the button for the frame
second_window_back_button = tkinter.Button(second_frame, text = "Back", command = call_first_frame_on_top)
second_window_back_button.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
second_window_next_button = tkinter.Button(second_frame, text = "Next", command = call_third_frame_on_top)
second_window_next_button.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
def create_widgets_in_third_frame():
# Create the label for the frame
third_window_label = tkinter.ttk.Label(third_frame, text='Window 3')
third_window_label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=10, padx=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
# Create the button for the frame
third_window_back_button = tkinter.Button(third_frame, text = "Back", command = call_second_frame_on_top)
third_window_back_button.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
third_window_quit_button = tkinter.Button(third_frame, text = "Quit", command = quit_program)
third_window_quit_button.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=10, sticky=(tkinter.N))
def call_first_frame_on_top():
# This function can be called only from the second window.
# Hide the second window and show the first window.
first_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
def call_second_frame_on_top():
# This function can be called from the first and third windows.
# Hide the first and third windows and show the second window.
second_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
def call_third_frame_on_top():
# This function can only be called from the second window.
# Hide the second window and show the third window.
third_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
def quit_program():
# Main program starts here :) #
# Create the root GUI window.
root_window = tkinter.Tk()
# Define window size
window_width = 200
window_heigth = 100
# Create frames inside the root window to hold other GUI elements. All frames must be created in the main program, otherwise they are not accessible in functions.
first_frame=tkinter.ttk.Frame(root_window, width=window_width, height=window_heigth)
first_frame['borderwidth'] = 2
first_frame['relief'] = 'sunken'
first_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
second_frame=tkinter.ttk.Frame(root_window, width=window_width, height=window_heigth)
second_frame['borderwidth'] = 2
second_frame['relief'] = 'sunken'
second_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
third_frame=tkinter.ttk.Frame(root_window, width=window_width, height=window_heigth)
third_frame['borderwidth'] = 2
third_frame['relief'] = 'sunken'
third_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20, pady=5, sticky=(tkinter.W, tkinter.N, tkinter.E))
# Create all widgets to all frames
# Hide all frames in reverse order, but leave first frame visible (unhidden).
# Start tkinter event - loop
那麼問題是什麼?雖然是的,你可以自我回答,你應該通過發佈答案來做到這一點_作爲問題的答案。 –
只是爲了澄清:我創建此線程不要問一個問題,而是發佈一個解決方案,以解決我在許多網站上看到的常見問題。 我需要創建的第一個真正的GUI程序是「安裝嚮導」,經過數小時的挖掘,我找不到任何示例代碼在線。所以,當我最終得到了我的「概念證明」的工作,我決定在這裏發佈它,希望它可以幫助其他人學習tkinter :) –
@Mikael Hartzell:Donal所做的是這樣的:適當的程序爲什麼你所做的就是發明一個問題,然後提供你的答案作爲實際答案。所以,你的問題可以很簡單,「如何製作一個類似嚮導的窗口,可以通過下一個和後一個按鈕在幀之間循環?」。然後,您在原始問題中輸入的所有代碼將會轉到答案。 –