<script type="text/javascript">
function customExtender() {
this.cfg.grid = {
<p:lineChart extender="customExtender" value="..." />
,只是檢查jqplot文檔http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/jqPlotOptions-txt.html 部分
grid: {
drawGridLines: true, // wether to draw lines across the grid or not.
gridLineColor: '#cccccc' // *Color of the grid lines.
background: '#fffdf6', // CSS color spec for background color of grid.
borderColor: '#999999', // CSS color spec for border around grid.
borderWidth: 2.0, // pixel width of border around grid.
shadow: true, // draw a shadow for grid.
shadowAngle: 45, // angle of the shadow. Clockwise from x axis.
shadowOffset: 1.5, // offset from the line of the shadow.
shadowWidth: 3, // width of the stroke for the shadow.
shadowDepth: 3, // Number of strokes to make when drawing shadow.
// Each stroke offset by shadowOffset from the last.
shadowAlpha: 0.07 // Opacity of the shadow
renderer: $.jqplot.CanvasGridRenderer, // renderer to use to draw the grid.
rendererOptions: {} // options to pass to the renderer. Note, the default
// CanvasGridRenderer takes no additional options.
- 1. Google Charts LineChart自定義點
- 2. 在primefaces 5.0中創建一個lineChart
- 3. MPAndroidChart LineChart自定義高亮可繪製
- 4. 如何在primefaces中自動縮放lineChart的xaxis 3.4
- 5. Primefaces自定義特定p:growl
- 6. Java JSF PrimeFaces LineChart標籤
- 7. LineChart不爲Primefaces 5.0渲染
- 8. 在primefaces中自定義驗證
- 9. 自定義primefaces圖表
- 10. Primefaces 5.0圖表自定義
- 11. Primefaces lineChart - 限制x標籤的數量
- 12. LineChart Primefaces從DB獲取數據
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- 26. 在PrimeFaces中創建自定義組件4
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