2012-04-20 50 views



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h3 { font-size: 15px; color: red;} 

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#navigation a.focus   { color: #33F; } 
#navigation a.visited  { color: #33F; } 
#navigation a.visited  { color: #33F; } 

#banner  {margin-bottom: 30px; } 

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#news {width: 200px; float:right; padding:0px;} 

.date {font-weight: bold;} 

.footer { clear:both; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;} 
.footer-text {text-align:center} 

#mainimages {margin-top: 20px; width: 700px; float: left;} 

aboutimages {margin-top: 20px; width: 700px; float: left;} 

.servicesimage {width: 200px; float:left; margin-top: 40px; margin-left:20px;} 

.servicelistleft {width: 300px; float:right; margin-top: 40px; } 

.servicelistright {width: 300px; float:right; margin-top: 40px; margin-left:20px; } 

.centertable { width: 500px; margin:auto; 
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<div id ="outerwrapper"> 
    <div id="wrapper"> 
      <div id="logo"> 
       <h1><img src="images/logo.jpg" width="248" height="153" alt="Conti Computer Shop" /></h1> 

      <div id="navigation"> 
       <li><a href="index.html">HOME</a></li> 
       <li><a href="about.html">ABOUT</a></li> 
       <li><a href="services.html">SERVICES</a></li> 
       <li><a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a></li> 
      <div id ="banner"> 
       <p><img src="images/test.jpg" width="900" height="202"/></p> 
      <div class ="content"> 
      <h1>Your One Stop Shop for all Computer Needs !</h1> 

      <p class = "content-main">Welcome to our new website where you can find more about us, what Services we offer and contact us for more information. Rest Assured that our priority will always be to provide an excellent service at a good price. Thank You.   </p> 
      <div id = "news"> 
       <h2>Latest News</h2> 
       <p class="date">April 20, 2012</p> 
       <h3>Acer Laptops now available</h3> 
       <p class="date">April 12, 2012</p> 
       <h3>New Gadgets Just Arrived</h3> 
       <p class="date">April 05, 2012</p> 
       <h3>New HP Computers in stock</h3> 
       <p class="date">April 02, 2012</p> 
       <h3>Students discounts Launched</p> 
      <div id="mainimages"> 
        <img src="images/sales.jpg" width="340" height="276" /> 
        <img src="images/service.jpg" width="340" height="276" /> 

    <div class ="footer"> 
      <p class="footer-text"> 2012 - Conti Design</p> 

您可以添加HTML,也許是[jsFiddle](http:// jsfiddle .net /)例子? – 0b10011 2012-04-20 18:40:23


你應該使用你的CSS提供一個html文檔或片段。另外,通過你的CSS和你的html並刪除任何對這個問題沒有貢獻的東西是很好的。通過消除這些脂肪,你將更有可能獲得幫助。這並不會讓我感到驚訝,通過這樣做,你可以自己找到並解決問題。 – 2012-04-20 18:41:44








11 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 Parse Error [ (font-weigth: bold;} h1] 
51 .content Value Error : float top is not a float value : top 


Line 44, Column 51: end tag for element "p" which is not open 
       <h3>Students discounts Launched</p> 



謝謝馬特,刪除11 h1,h2,h3,h4,h5解析錯誤[(font-weigth:bold;} h1]解決了這個問題,謝謝您提供驗證鏈接, ! – user1347219 2012-04-20 20:20:27


