2014-02-11 82 views


it "saves a new appointment for driver", :js => true do 
    date = 1.day.from_now.saturday? ? 2.days.from_now : 1.day.from_now 

    driver = FactoryGirl.create(:driver, field_worker_name: Driver::DEFAULT_FIELD_WORKER_NAME) 
    visit "/drivers/#{driver.id}" 
    click_button 'Schedule An Appointment' 
    fill_in("case_details_appointment_date", :with => date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")) 
    select("12 pm - 2 pm", :from => "case_details_appointment_time") 
    select("Fund Enrollment", :from => "case_details_appointment_reason") 
    fill_in("case-notes", :with => "Some Appointment Notes") 
    click_button "Add Appointment" 

    expect(page).to have_content 'Case was successfully created' 
    expect(page).to have_selector("#schedule-appointment") 

    driver_case = driver.reload.cases.last 
    driver_case.type.should == 'schedule_appointment' 

    expect(page).to have_content 'Case History' 
    expect(page).to have_content driver_case.updated_at.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") 


<div class="inline col-sm-6"> 
    <%= detail_fields.label :appointment_date, "What is the date for the appointment?", class: 'required' %> 
    <div class="input-group"> 
    <span class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span></span> 
    <%= detail_fields.text_field :appointment_date, 
    placeholder: "yyyy/mm/dd", 
    class: 'form-control date-input', 
     type: 'tel', 
     'data-bind' => "value: date, optionsCaption: 'yyyy/mm/dd'" %> 
    <div class="inline col-sm-6"> 
    <%= detail_fields.label :appointment_time, 'What time is the appointment?', class: 'required' %> 
    <%= detail_fields.select :appointment_time, Case::APPOINTMENT_WEEKDAYS, 
    { prompt: "Select an Appointment Time" }, 
    {class: 'form-control', required: 'required', 'data-bind' => 'options: available_timeslots'} %> 
    <div class="inline col-sm-6"> 
    <%= detail_fields.label :appointment_reason, 'What is the reason for the appointment?', class: 'required' %> 
    <%= detail_fields.select :appointment_reason, 
    ['Fund Enrollment', 'General Information', 'ACA Navigation', 'Claims Assistance'], 
    { prompt: "Select an Appointment Reason" }, 
    {class: 'form-control', required: 'required'} %> 


ready = -> 
    HEALTHFUND.AppointmentViewModel = {} 
    HEALTHFUND.AppointmentViewModel = (-> 

    @date = ko.observable() 

    @weekday_timeslots = ['10 am - 12 pm', '12 pm - 2 pm', '2 pm - 4 pm', '4 pm - 6 pm', '6 pm - 9 pm', '9 pm - 12 am'] 
    @sunday_timeslots = ['12 pm - 2 pm', '2 pm - 4 pm', '4 pm - 6 pm', '6 pm - 8 pm'] 
    @available_timeslots = ko.computed => 
     input_date = new Date(@date()).getDay() 

     if input_date == 0 
     return @sunday_timeslots 
     else if input_date < 6 
     return @weekday_timeslots 
     return [] 


$(document).ready ready 
$(document).on "page:load", ready 



我結束了使用phantomjs /騷靈,不得不使用element.native .send_key方法讓淘汰賽認識到輸入值發生了變化。希望這可以幫助別人!

it "saves a new appointment for driver", js: true, driver: :poltergeist do 
    date = 1.day.from_now.saturday? ? 2.days.from_now : 1.day.from_now 

    driver = FactoryGirl.create(:driver, field_worker_name: Driver::DEFAULT_FIELD_WORKER_NAME) 
    visit "/drivers/#{driver.id}" 
    click_button 'Schedule An Appointment' 
    select("12 pm - 2 pm", :from => "case_details_appointment_time") 
    select("Fund Enrollment", :from => "case_details_appointment_reason") 
    fill_in("case-notes", :with => "Some Appointment Notes") 
    click_button "Schedule Appointment" 

    expect(page).to have_content 'Case was successfully created' 
    expect(page).to have_selector("#schedule-appointment") 

    driver_case = driver.reload.cases.last 
    driver_case.type.should == 'schedule_appointment' 

    expect(page).to have_content 'Case History' 
    expect(page).to have_content driver_case.updated_at.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") 