2016-11-15 70 views

我是influxdb的新手,並試圖將其安裝在我的Windows 7 - 64操作系統上。如何在Windows操作系統上安裝influxdb並訪問管理控制檯


  1. 從以下位置下載zip文件: https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.1.0_windows_amd64.zip
  2. 解壓縮到以下位置的文件夾:J:\common\influxdb\influxdb-1.1.0_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.1.0-1
  3. 啓動了命令提示符管理員的privilages並運行以下命令:

    1. cd J:\common\influxdb\influxdb-1.1.0_windows_amd64\influxdb-1.1.0-1 
    2. influxd.exe 
  4. 以下是在命令提示符下顯示的信息:

[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 InfluxDB starting, version 1.1.0, branch master, commit 800da5732b91c816b0a097acf8887fa2af1efa1a 
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Go version go1.7.3, GOMAXPROCS set to 4 
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 no configuration provided, using default settings 
[store] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Using data dir: C:\Users\USER_HP_2013_03\.influxdb\d 
[subscriber] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 opened service 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 Starting monitor system 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 'build' registered for diagnostics monitoring 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:21 'runtime' registered for diagnostics monitoring 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 'network' registered for diagnostics monitoring 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 'system' registered for diagnostics monitoring 
[shard-precreation] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting precreation service with check 
interval of 10m0s, advance period of 30m0s 
[snapshot] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting snapshot service 
[continuous_querier] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting continuous query service 
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting HTTP service 
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Authentication enabled: false 
[httpd] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8086 
[retention] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Starting retention policy enforcement service wi 
th check interval of 30m0s 
[run] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Listening for signals 
2016/11/15 14:52:22 Sending usage statistics to usage.influxdata.com 
[monitor] 2016/11/15 14:52:22 Storing statistics in database '_internal' retenti 
on policy 'monitor', at interval 10s 
[shard] 2016/11/15 14:52:40 C:\Users\USER_HP_2013_03\.influxdb\data\_internal\mo 
nitor\1 database index loaded in 0s


當我試圖admin console使用http://localhost:8083訪問,讓Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:8083.

如果我嘗試連接使用http://localhost:8086,得到404 not found


增加的命令提示截圖: enter image description here

編輯: 我試圖在以下鏈接步驟:

  1. How to install InfluxDB in Windows





from # [admin] to admin 

默認情況下,它會被評論「#」是用來在HOCON格式發表評論。 取消對binding addressenabled = false

Change the enabled from false to true. 


influxd -config influxdb.conf

ACCES通過使用http://localhost:8083/ URL管理接口。


[httpd的] 2016/11/15 14 :52:22在HTTP上收聽:[::]:

您應該使用http://localhost:8086 URL,我不知道你從哪兒得到這個8083

您可能會發現使用Taurus工具更容易,除了實時結果分析,它提供了強大的Fass/Fail Criteria subsystemResource Monitoring等等


謝謝德米特里建議更好的工具,現在探索相同。 8083是用於從Web UI訪問管理控制檯的端口。從influxdb1.1起,管理控制檯已棄用。和8086端口用於您提到的HTTP API訪問。 –
