我編寫了一個腳本來加密和解密R中的字符串,代碼的第一部分定義了一個包含一組字符的向量。然後,我通過對矢量進行混洗併爲每個指定名稱來創建一個加密字典。這部分是暫時的,最終我將擁有一個固定的加密向量。我遇到麻煩的地方是高效地編寫我的加密和解密函數。我得到了期望的輸出結果,但我覺得有一種更加優雅的方式可以實現這一目標 - 這需要較少的計算量。想到的想法是用lapply(或vapply)替換for循環,找到一種替代方案,無需使用正則表達式將字符串轉換爲矢量,等等。不過,我是R新手,無法掌握其權力。這裏是我的代碼:R - 高效地對R中的字符串進行加密
# Script to encode and decode strings.
# Useful for passwords, email messages
# that do not contain images, and other
# text applications.
# Steps to create a vector containing all characters
## Numeric characters
nums <- c("1","2","3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "0")
## Symbols
sym <- c("!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^",
"&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_",
"=", "+", "[", "{", "]", "}",
"|", "\\", ":", "/", "?", ".",
">", "<", ",", "`", "~", ";",
"'", " ")
## Vector with numeric, symbols, and letters
chars <- c(LETTERS, letters, sym, nums)
# Create a code vector
## Randomly sorted 'chars' vector
code <- sample(chars)
## Assing names to facilitate coding and decoding
names(code) <- chars
# Define a string to code and decode
text <- "Hello World!"
# Function to code string
coder <- function(text, code){
# Make string into a vector to facilitate iteration
# over items
t <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(text), split=''))
# Initiate a vector to store coded vector
new <- c()
# For loop to code each element in the vector
for(i in 1:length(t)){
new <- c(new, names(code)[which(code == t[i])])
# Collape vector into string
paste(new, collapse = '')
# Function call to verify output
encoded_str <- coder(text, code)
decoder <- function(text, code){
# Make string into a vector to facilitate iteration
# over items
t <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(text), split=''))
# Initiate a vector to store decoded vector
new <- c()
# For loop to decode each element in the vector
for(i in 1:length(t)){
new <- c(new, code[[t[i]]])
# Collape vector into string
paste(new, collapse = '')
# Function call to verify output
decoded_str <- decoder(encoded_str, code)
這是僅供教育目的,或者生產嗎? – zaph
個人使用和(自我)教育目的 – Agarp