2012-12-03 36 views



Call Stack 

1. {main}() ..\index.php:0 
2. require_once('E:\xampp\htdocs\promotion\system\codeigniter\CodeIgniter.php') ..\index.php:117 
3. myshop->__construct() ..\CodeIgniter.php:201 
4. CI_Loader->model(???, ???, ???) ..\myshop.php:7 



if (! class_exists('Model')) 
     load_class('Model', FALSE); 


    $model = ucfirst($model); 

    $CI->$name = new $model(); 

    $this->_ci_models[] = $name;  


class modelmyaccount extends Model{ 

    protected $table_name = 'consumer_master'; 

    function __construct() 

     $this->table_country_master  = 'country_master'; 
     //$this->table_country_detail = 'country_detail'; 
     $this->table_state_master  = 'state_master'; 
     //$this->table_state_detail   = 'state_detail'; 

    function checkEmail() 

     $fetch_user = "SELECT count(*) AS CNT FROM ".$this->table_name." 
        WHERE email  = '".addslashes($_POST['email'])."' 

     if($fetch_result->num_rows() > 0) { 
      if($row['CNT'] == 0) { 
       return true; 
      }else { 
       return false; 

    function updateMember($member_id) 

    $dt = explode("-",addslashes($_POST['birth_date'])); 
    $birth_date = $dt[2]."-".$dt[0]."-".$dt[1]; 

    $saveSql = "UPDATE ".$this->table_name." 
       SET first_name  = '".addslashes($_POST['first_name'])."', 
        last_name  = '".addslashes($_POST['last_name'])."', 
        streetname   = '".addslashes($_POST['address1'])."', 
        dob  = '".$birth_date."', 
        interest   = '".addslashes($_POST['interest'])."', 
        country   = '".addslashes($_POST['country'])."', 
        state   = '".addslashes($_POST['state'])."', 
        city   = '".addslashes($_POST['city'])."', 
        postal    = '".addslashes($_POST['zip'])."', 

        edit_date = NOW() 
       WHERE consumer_id = '".$member_id."' 
    //echo $saveSql; 
     $saveResult = $this->db->query($saveSql); 

     return true; 


    /*function delMyFav($member_id, $topic_type) 
     $sql_del = "DELETE FROM favourite_master 
        WHERE member_id='".$member_id."' 
        AND  topic_type='".$topic_type."'"; 
     $result = $this->db->query($sql_del); 

    function checkConfirmation($emailId) 
    $sql = "SELECT status FROM ".$this->table_name." 
      WHERE email ='".base64_decode($emailId)."'"; 
    $res = $this->db->query($sql); 
    if($res->num_rows() > 0) { 
     $row = $res->row_array(); 
      return false; 
      return true; 

    function confirmMember($emailId) 
    $confirmSql = "UPDATE ".$this->table_name. " 
        SET status = 'A' 
        WHERE email ='".base64_decode($emailId)."'"; 

    $confirmResult = $this->db->query($confirmSql); 

    if($confirmResult) { 
     return true; 

    function getCountry() 
     $sql = " SELECT CM.* 
       FROM " .$this->table_country_master. " AS CM    
       WHERE CM.is_active ='Y'"; 
     $recordSet = $this->db->query($sql); 

     if($recordSet) { 
      if($recordSet->num_rows() > 0) { 
       foreach($recordSet->result_array() as $key =>$val) { 
     } else { 
      return false; 
     return $rs ; 

    function getMemberById($member_id) 

     $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table_name." WHERE consumer_id = '".$member_id."'"; 
     $recordset = $this->db->query($sql); 

     if($recordset->num_rows() > 0){ 
      foreach($recordset->result_array() as $key=>$val){ 
       $rs[] = $val; 
      return false; 

     return $rs; 

    function validateOldPassword($id) 

     $this->old_pwd = $this->input->request('old_pwd',''); 

     $sql = " SELECT count(*) AS CNT 
       FROM ".$this->table_name." 
       WHERE consumer_id ='".$id."' 
       AND password ='".$this->old_pwd."' 
     $rs = $this->db->query($sql); 

     if($rs) { 
      if($rs->num_rows() > 0) { 
       $row = $rs->row_array(); 
       if($row['CNT'] > 0) { 
        return true; 
       } else { 
       return false; 
      } else { 
       return false; 
     } else {    
      return false; 

    function valideNewPassword 
    This function to check the New Password and Confirm New Password will be same or not 
    if both are the same then return true else return false 
    function validateNewPassword() 
     $this->new_pwd  = $this->input->request('new_pwd',''); 
     $this->conf_new_pwd  = $this->input->request('con_pwd',''); 

     if($this->new_pwd!='' && $this->conf_new_pwd!='') { 
      if($this->new_pwd===$this->conf_new_pwd) { 
       return true; 
      } else { 
       return false; 
     } else { 
      return false; 


    function updatePassword($id) 
     $this->new_pwd = $this->input->request('new_pwd',''); 

     $sql = " UPDATE ".$this->table_name." 
       SET password = '".$this->new_pwd."' 
       WHERE consumer_id ='".$id."' 

     $rs = $this->db->query($sql); 

     if($rs) { 
      return true; 
     } else {    
      return false; 

    function newsletterSubscription($subscriberEmail) 
     $sql = "SELECT subscriber_email 
       FROM newsletter_subscriber 
       WHERE subscriber_email = '".$subscriberEmail."' 
       AND is_active = 'Y' 
     //echo $sql; 
     $rs = $this->db->query($sql); 
      if($rs->num_rows() > 0){ 
       return true; 
       return false; 

    function subscribeNewsletter($subscriberEmail) 
     $sql = " 
       INSERT INTO newsletter_subscriber 
        subscriber_email = '".$subscriberEmail."', 
        is_active = 'Y', 
        db_add_date = NOW(), 
        db_edit_date = NOW()    
     //echo $sql;  
     $rs = $this->db->query($sql); 
      return true; 
      return false; 
    function unSubscribeNewsletter($subscriberEmail) 
     $sql = " 
       DELETE FROM newsletter_subscriber 
        subscriber_email = '".$subscriberEmail."'    
     $rs = $this->db->query($sql); 
      return true; 
      return false; 


<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 
* CodeIgniter 
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer 
* @package  CodeIgniter 
* @author  ExpressionEngine Dev Team 
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, EllisLab, Inc. 
* @license  http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html 
* @link  http://codeigniter.com 
* @since  Version 1.0 
* @filesource 

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

* CodeIgniter Model Class 
* @package  CodeIgniter 
* @subpackage Libraries 
* @category Libraries 
* @author  ExpressionEngine Dev Team 
* @link  http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/config.html 
class Model { 

    var $_parent_name = ''; 

    * Constructor 
    * @access public 
    function Model() 
     // If the magic __get() or __set() methods are used in a Model references can't be used. 
     $this->_assign_libraries((method_exists($this, '__get') OR method_exists($this, '__set')) ? FALSE : TRUE); 

     // We don't want to assign the model object to itself when using the 
     // assign_libraries function below so we'll grab the name of the model parent 
     $this->_parent_name = ucfirst(get_class($this)); 

     log_message('debug', "Model Class Initialized"); 

    * Assign Libraries 
    * Creates local references to all currently instantiated objects 
    * so that any syntax that can be legally used in a controller 
    * can be used within models. 
    * @access private 
    function _assign_libraries($use_reference = TRUE) 
     $CI =& get_instance();    
     foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($CI)) as $key) 
      if (! isset($this->$key) AND $key != $this->_parent_name) 
       // In some cases using references can cause 
       // problems so we'll conditionally use them 
       if ($use_reference == TRUE) 
        $this->$key = NULL; // Needed to prevent reference errors with some configurations 
        $this->$key =& $CI->$key; 
        $this->$key = $CI->$key; 

// END Model Class 

/* End of file Model.php */ 
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Model.php */ 

如果你是Unix系統上小心的名字的情況下 –


我是一個Windows 7系統上。其他類可以通過相同的文件夾。但是某些類不會做。這是'ModelMyAccount'類的其中一個類,但我已將其更改爲'modelmyaccount'。但仍然沒有工作。我可能錯過了一些地方嗎? – user1873368


你是說其他車型正在加載好嗎?喲檢查錯別字嗎? –



這可能幫助: CodeIgniter User Guide - Models


class Modelmyaccount extends Model { 


class My_account_model extends Model{ 


class My_account_model extends CI_Model { 

