2014-06-23 30 views



private static BinarySearchTree<StringItem, String> tree = new BinarySearchTree<StringItem, String>(); 
    //Does this create a tree with StringItems as nodes? 
    //In which part does this method assign value to the tree nodes? 

    private static ArrayList<String> dictionary;//number is the number of strings in the dictionary 

    private static TreeNode<StringItem> add (int number) { // adds to the tree 
    //the numberOfWords has been counted in other methods. 

    if (numberOfWords < 1) { 
     return null; 

    TreeNode<StringItem> left = add(number/2); //What does this do? 

    StringItem word = new StringItem(dictionary.remove(0) + ""); 

    TreeNode<StringItem> right = add((number - 1)/2); 

    return new TreeNode<StringItem>(word, left, right); // I don't understand this part. 
    //which node are we returning here? 




退房this真的普林斯頓由人書寫(在事實上好的執行二叉搜索樹的 - 檢查了所有他們已經公佈了各種的真的好的實現基本算法here


private static BinarySearchTree<StringItem, String> tree = ... 
//Does this create a tree with String items as nodes? 


public class BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> { 
    private class Node { 
     private Key key;   // sorted by key 
     private Value val;   // associated data 
     private Node left, right; // left and right subtrees 
     private int N;    // number of nodes in subtree 
    private Node put(Node x, Key key, Value val) { 
     if (x == null) return new Node(key, val, 1); 
     int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); 
     if  (cmp < 0) x.left = put(x.left, key, val); 
     else if (cmp > 0) x.right = put(x.right, key, val); 
     else    x.val = val; 
     x.N = 1 + size(x.left) + size(x.right); 
     return x; 

注意,類型參數被明確命名KeyValue這裏,應該加強什麼,我說以上。還要注意,一個Node包含一個值值 - 值是「有效負載」,實際數據被存儲,而密鑰用於排序和組織樹(因此Key必須實現Comparable)。順便說一句,注意,不是add(),這裏的等效方法被稱爲put(),我認爲這是很清晰,因爲我們習慣叫上列出put(k, v)地圖狀結構和add(t)(我不知道這是否可能有在你的困惑中扮演角色)

就像我說的,雖然我不完全確定你對此感到困惑。我已經說過我在這裏所說的內容,因爲它好像是在具體詢問類型參數,但是您不清楚其他內容是否發佈了評論,我會更新。 (這就是說,我將上面的整個方法都包括進去了,因爲如果你真正想了解的是BSTs的一般功能,那麼這是一個非常重要的方法。仔細檢查每一行是什麼這樣做,爲什麼這樣做,然後做同樣的get(),你會在你的路上)。


非常感謝!並感謝非常有用的材料。我可以看到你寫的put方法是基於它的鍵爲節點賦值的?但是我看不到我發佈的add方法中的哪部分代碼執行此功能。我在代碼中評論了我的問題。再次感謝。 – user3735871