2010-03-15 32 views

我希望創建自己的事件併發送它們。 我從來沒有在C#中完成過這項工作,只有在Flex中。我想必須有很多不同之處。如何在C中發送事件#



的WinForms,WebForms的,ASP.NET MVC或WPF? – Oded 2010-03-15 15:58:31


更多背景? – Grzenio 2010-03-15 16:01:37


謝謝你的回覆!他們幫助我一起;) 再次感謝! – 2010-03-15 16:30:46





// The delegate type. This one is already defined in the library, in the System namespace 
// the `void (object, EventArgs)` signature is also the recommended pattern 
public delegate void Eventhandler(object sender, Eventargs args); 

// your publishing class 
class Foo 
    public event EventHandler Changed; // the Event 

    protected virtual void OnChanged() // the Trigger method, called to raise the event 
     // make a copy to be more thread-safe 
     EventHandler handler = Changed; 

     if (handler != null) 
      // invoke the subscribed event-handler(s) 
      handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

    // an example of raising the event 
    void SomeMethod() 
     if (...)  // on some condition 
     OnChanged(); // raise the event 


// your subscribing class 
class Bar 
    public Bar() 
     Foo f = new Foo(); 
     f.Changed += Foo_Changed; // Subscribe, using the short notation 

    // the handler must conform to the signature 
    void Foo_Changed(object sender, EventArgs args) // the Handler (reacts) 
     // the things Bar has to do when Foo changes 


class MyEventArgs : EventArgs // guideline: derive from EventArgs 
    public string Info { get; set; } 

class Foo 
    public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> Changed; // the Event 
    protected virtual void OnChanged(string info)  // the Trigger 
     EventHandler handler = Changed; // make a copy to be more thread-safe 
     if (handler != null) 
      var args = new MyEventArgs(){Info = info}; // this part will vary 
      handler(this, args); 

class Bar 
    void Foo_Changed(object sender, MyEventArgs args) // the Handler 
     string s = args.Info; 


protected virtual void OnChanged(string info) // the Trigger 
    var args = new MyEventArgs{Info = info}; // this part will vary 
    Changed?.Invoke(this, args); 

我想我可以代替EventArgs的,用我自己的類? – 2010-03-15 16:19:49


是的,儘管你會使用事件處理其中T是你的事件參數的類型又名.. 公共事件的EventHandler MyEvent; – Sekhat 2010-03-15 16:21:15


這也是一種常見的。NET慣例,您的自定義EventArgs類從EventArgs繼承 – Sekhat 2010-03-15 16:21:57



  • 定義委託
  • 使用委託類型的字段/屬性(添加「事件」關鍵字)
  • 你現在暴露用戶可以掛接到與事件「 + = MyEventMethod;「




public static event EventHandler<EventArgs> myEvent; 

static void Main() 
    //add method to be called 
    myEvent += Handler; 

    //call all methods that have been added to the event 
    myEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

static void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args) 
    Console.WriteLine("Event Handled!"); 


public class MyClassWithEvents 
     public event EventHandler MyEvent; 

     protected void OnMyEvent(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) 
      if (MyEvent != null) 
       MyEvent(sender, eventArgs); 

     public void TriggerMyEvent() 
      OnMyEvent(sender, eventArgs); 


public class Program 
    public static void Main(string[] args) 
     MyClassWithEvents obj = new MyClassWithEvents(); 

     obj.MyEvent += obj_myEvent; 

    private static void obj_myEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     //Code called when my event is dispatched. 

的鏈接看看上this MSDN page


並感謝您的幫助! – 2010-03-15 16:31:35
