2012-04-30 54 views

我正在輸入來自用戶對此我給他的選擇.. 比如,對於列「指揮家」,他被賦予了選擇「爲鋁或銅」驗證與否?



=indirect($C5 & "_" & $D5) 




=indirect("col6" & "_" & col7 & "_" & col8 & "_" & col9) 



  1. 由於數據庫可以由超過4輸入驗證列表隨時展開將需要4!命名範圍變化。
  2. 數據驗證是很容易丟失(一個主要問題)
  3. 我不能限制副本,因爲我的大多數用戶的粘貼將來自其他表粘貼數據(不能使用進口自列將永遠無法修復)
  4. 我不能使用列表框,因爲可以輸入任意數量的行數據,並且我需要在每一行中進行選擇
  5. 不能使用MS Access進行數據庫管理,因爲我的工具類型適用於輸入數據,大多數用戶不熟悉訪問(此外它不允許容易地複製粘貼數據)






  1. 設計中方便用於人的方式編碼該說明書的方法。
  2. 對規範進行編碼。
  3. 設計一個或多個表格以便於快速處理的方式保存規格。
  4. 設計並實現一個程序,將人類格式轉換爲快速處理格式。
  5. 設計並實現一個程序來解釋快速處理格式並執行所需的操作。



|   A   |   B   |   C   | 
1|Permitted   |Conditions -------------->    | 
2|C=V1|V2|V3|V4  |     |     | 
3|D=V5    |C=V1|V2    |     | 
4|D=V6    |C=V3|V4    |     | 
5|E=V7|V8    |D=V5    |C=V1    | 
6|E=V9|V10   |D=V5    |C=V2    | 
7|E=V11|V12   |D=V6    |C=V3    | 
8|E=V13|V14   |D=V6    |C=V4    | 







Rules per Column table 
C RR RR    = Column First rule Last rule 
3 1 1 
4 2 3 
5 4 7 


Rule table    
I VV VV CC CC = Index First value Last value First condition Last condition 
1 1 4 1 0 
2 5 5 1 1 
3 8 8 2 2 
4 11 12 3 4 
5 15 16 5 6 
6 19 20 7 8 
7 23 24 9 10 



Condition table 
I C VV VV   = Index Column First value Last value 
1 3 6 7 
2 3 9 10 
3 4 13 13 
4 3 14 14 
5 4 17 17 
6 3 18 18 
7 4 21 21 
8 3 22 22 
9 4 25 25 
10 3 26 26 

Value table     Entries 1 to 26 
E 1=V1 E 2=V2 E 3=V3 E 4=V4 E 5=V5 E 6=V1 E 7=V2 E 8=V6 E 9=V3 E10=V4 
E11=V7 E12=V8 E13=V5 E14=V1 E15=V9 E16=V10 E17=V5 E18=V2 E19=V11 E20=V12 
E21=V6 E22=V3 E23=V13 E24=V14 E25=V6 E26=V4 


此編譯過程可能在Worksheet Open例程中,或者您可以預編譯並將表存儲在工作簿中。這些表已準備好通過「工作表更改」例程執行,也可以用於計算公式並將其放置在適當的單元格中。



Option Explicit 

    Type typColRule  ' Definition of entry in Rules per Column table 
    InxRule1 As Long ' Index of first rule for this column.) InxRule1 > InxRuleL 
    InxRuleL As Long ' Index of last rule for this column. ) if no rules for column 
    End Type 
    Type typRule   ' Definition of Rule table 
    InxValue1 As Long ' Index of first permitted value for this rule 
    InxValueL As Long ' Index of last permitted value for this rule 
    InxCond1 As Long ' Index of first condition for this column.) InxCond1 > InxCondL 
    InxCondL As Long ' Index of last rule for this column.  ) if no rules for column 
    End Type 
    Type typCond   ' Definition of Condition table 
    Col As Long  ' Column to which this condition applies 
    InxValue1 As Long ' Index of first permitted value for this condition 
    InxValueL As Long ' Index of last permitted value for this condition 
    End Type 

    ' ColRule is sized to (Min to Max) where Min is the lowest column validated 
    ' and Max is the highest column validated. ColRule(N).InxRule1 identifies 
    ' the first rule in Rule for column N. ColRule(N).InsRuleL identifies the 
    ' last rule in Rule for column N. 
    Dim ColRule() As typColRule 

    ' There is one entry in Rule per validation row in worksheet "Validate". 
    Dim Rule() As typRule 

    ' There is one entry in ValueCell per value referenced in a permitted or 
    ' a condition. 
    Dim ValueCell() As String 

    ' There is one entry in Cond per condition in worksheet "Validate" 
    Dim Cond() As typCond 

Sub CompileValidation() 

    Dim ColCodeCrnt As String 
    Dim ColNumCrnt As String 
    Dim ColValCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColValidateCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColValMin As Long 
    Dim ColValMax As Long 
    Dim ConditionCrnt As String 
    Dim InxCondCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxRuleCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxValueCellCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxValueListCrnt As Long 
    Dim NumCond As Long 
    Dim NumValue As Long 
    Dim PermittedCrnt As String 
    Dim PosEqual As Long 
    Dim RowValidateCrnt As Long 
    Dim ValueList() As String 

    With Worksheets("Validate") 

    ' Determine the size of the arrays to which information will be 
    ' compiled. Find 
    ' * The minimum and maximum columns subject to validated 
    ' * Number of conditions 
    ' * Number of values references 
    ' This routine does not allow for blank rows or columns in the 
    ' middle of worksheet "Validate". 
    ColValMin = -1 
    ColValMax = -1 
    NumCond = 0 
    NumValue = 0 
    RowValidateCrnt = 2 
    Do While True 
     PermittedCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, 1).Value 
     If PermittedCrnt = "" Then 
     Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, PermittedCrnt, "=") 
     Debug.Assert PosEqual > 1 
     ' Determine range of columns validated 
     ColCodeCrnt = Mid(PermittedCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
     ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
     If ColValMin = -1 Then 
     ColValMin = ColNumCrnt 
     ElseIf ColValMin > ColNumCrnt Then 
     ColValMin = ColNumCrnt 
     End If 
     If ColValMax = -1 Then 
     ColValMax = ColNumCrnt 
     ElseIf ColValMax < ColNumCrnt Then 
     ColValMax = ColNumCrnt 
     End If 
     ' Determine number of conditions and number of values 
     ValueList = Split(Mid(PermittedCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
     NumValue = NumValue + UBound(ValueList) - LBound(ValueList) + 1 
     ColValidateCrnt = 2 
     Do While True 
     ConditionCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, ColValidateCrnt).Value 
     If ConditionCrnt = "" Then 
      Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, ConditionCrnt, "=") 
     Debug.Assert PosEqual > 1 
     ValueList = Split(Mid(ConditionCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
     NumValue = NumValue + UBound(ValueList) - LBound(ValueList) + 1 
     ColValidateCrnt = ColValidateCrnt + 1 
     NumCond = NumCond + ColValidateCrnt - 2 
     RowValidateCrnt = RowValidateCrnt + 1 

    ' Size arrays 
    ReDim ColRule(ColValMin To ColValMax) 
    ReDim Rule(1 To RowValidateCrnt - 2) 
    ReDim ValueCell(1 To NumValue) 
    ReDim Cond(1 To NumCond) 

    InxRuleCrnt = 0 
    InxValueCellCrnt = 0 
    InxCondCrnt = 0 

    ' Extract rules in column number order 
    For ColValCrnt = ColValMin To ColValMax 
     ' The first rule for this column, if any, will be the 
     ' next entry in the Rule table 
     ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRule1 = InxRuleCrnt + 1 
     ' If there are no rules for this column, the last rule index 
     ' will be less than the first rule undex 
     ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL = InxRuleCrnt 
     RowValidateCrnt = 2 
     Do While True 
     PermittedCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, 1).Value 
     If PermittedCrnt = "" Then 
      Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, PermittedCrnt, "=") 
     ColCodeCrnt = Mid(PermittedCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
     ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
     If ColNumCrnt = ColValCrnt Then 
      ' This rule is for the current column 
      InxRuleCrnt = InxRuleCrnt + 1 
      ' This could be the last rule for this column so 
      ' store its index against the column 
      ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL = InxRuleCrnt 
      ' The first value for this rule will be the next 
      ' entry in the Value table 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValue1 = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueList = Split(Mid(PermittedCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
      ' Save each permitted value in the Value table 
      For InxValueListCrnt = LBound(ValueList) To UBound(ValueList) 
      InxValueCellCrnt = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) = ValueList(InxValueListCrnt) 
      ' Record the index of the last permitted value for this rule 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValueL = InxValueCellCrnt 
      ' The first condition for this rule, if any, will be the next 
      ' entry in the Condition table 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCond1 = InxCondCrnt + 1 
      ' If there are no conditions for this rule, the last condition 
      ' index will be less than the first condition undex 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL = InxCondCrnt 
      ColValidateCrnt = 2 
      Do While True 
      ConditionCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, ColValidateCrnt).Value 
      If ConditionCrnt = "" Then 
       Exit Do 
      End If 
      InxCondCrnt = InxCondCrnt + 1 
      PosEqual = InStr(1, ConditionCrnt, "=") 
      ColCodeCrnt = Mid(ConditionCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
      ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
      ' Store the column for this condition 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).Col = ColNumCrnt 
      ' The first value for this condition will be the next 
      ' entry in the Value table 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValue1 = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueList = Split(Mid(ConditionCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
      For InxValueListCrnt = LBound(ValueList) To UBound(ValueList) 
       InxValueCellCrnt = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
       ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) = ValueList(InxValueListCrnt) 
      ' Record last value for this condition 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValueL = InxValueCellCrnt 
      ColValidateCrnt = ColValidateCrnt + 1 
      ' Record last condition for this rule 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL = InxCondCrnt 
     End If 
     RowValidateCrnt = RowValidateCrnt + 1 
    End With 

    Debug.Print " Rules per Column table" 
    Debug.Print " C RR RR" 
    For ColValCrnt = ColValMin To ColValMax 
    Debug.Print " " & ColValCrnt & " " & _ 
       Right(" " & ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRule1, 2) & " " & _ 
       Right(" " & ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL, 2) 
    Debug.Print " Rule table" 
    Debug.Print " I VV VV CC CC" 
    For InxRuleCrnt = 1 To UBound(Rule) 
    Debug.Print " " & InxRuleCrnt & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValue1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValueL, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCond1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL, 2) & " " 
    Debug.Print " Condition table" 
    Debug.Print "  I C VV VV" 
    For InxCondCrnt = 1 To UBound(Cond) 
    Debug.Print " " & Right(" " & InxCondCrnt, 2) & " " & _ 
         Cond(InxCondCrnt).Col & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValue1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValueL, 2) 
    Debug.Print " Value table" 
    Debug.Print " "; 
    For InxValueCellCrnt = 1 To UBound(ValueCell) 
    Debug.Print "E" & Right(" " & InxValueCellCrnt, 2) & "=" & _ 
       Left(ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) & " ", 5); 
    If (InxValueCellCrnt Mod 10) = 0 Then 
     Debug.Print " "; 
    End If 



感謝您的解釋..我嘗試一下,我會回到你身邊 –







不要回避作爲後端的訪問。我的大部分項目都是由Excel控制的Jet數據庫。 Excel是計算引擎,輸入機制和報告機制。


相信我,我不使用接入的唯一原因是因爲我的用戶不熟悉it..secondly我不能使用用戶表格的行進行數據添加行,因爲我的一個行都有大約需要填充20列,並且用戶希望能夠粘貼各個列......我嚴重地不想堅持命名的範圍,但是可以解釋如何使它們變得容易動態? –