我想使用Read-Host -AsSecureString
來避免在我的腳本中輸入密碼。我想遍歷服務器列表並在密碼中包含每個服務器名稱 - 因此所有密碼都不相同。如果我使用變量將腳本中的密碼放入腳本,該腳本將按照我的意願工作,但如果我使用相同的變量作爲Read-Host
的值,則腳本無法工作。 Read-Host -AsSecureString
- Launch the script and respond to the on-screen prompts:
- Enter the local user account housed on the remote servers whose password
needs to be changed (e.g. administrator or testUser)
- Enter path to txt file containing server list (e.g. E:Temp\servers.txt)
- Enter new password
- The script will connect to each server and change the password of the local
user account defined
# Changes PS prompt to directory in which the script is being run from whether using Powershell console or the ISE.
function Get-ScriptDirectory {
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
$ISEScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $psISE.CurrentFile.Fullpath -EA SilentlyContinue
if ($ISEScriptPath -eq $null) {
cd $(Get-ScriptDirectory -ea SilentlyContinue)
} else {
cd $ISEScriptPath
############## Main Script ###########
$fail = @()
$pass = @()
$passLog = @()
$failLog = @()
$date = "_$(get-date -uf %H%M_%d%h%Y)"
$Results = Test-Path "$PWD\Results"
if (-not $Results) {
md "$PWD\Results"
$user = Read-Host "Enter local account name whose password is to be changed on remote servers (e.g. testUser)"
Write-Host "N.B. If the .txt file is located in '$PWD' just enter the filename (e.g. servers.txt)"
$path = (Read-Host "Enter path to the .txt file containing servers for which the $(($user).toupper()) password will be changed (e.g. e:\temp\servers.txt)")
$computerNames = Get-Content $path
$passwordSecure = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Enter new password"
$password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($passwordSecure))
#$password = "$($computername)!!"
foreach ($computername in $computernames) {
$date2 = (Get-Date).ToString('dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt')
$adminUser = [ADSI] "WinNT://$computerName/$user,User"
if ($?) {
"$computername was successfully updated"
$PassLog +="$computername updated successfully at $date2"
$Pass+="`n$computername updated successfully"
Start-Sleep -m 500
} else {
"$computername failed to update"
$failLog +="$computername failed to update at $date2"
$fail+="`n$computername failed to update"
Start-Sleep -m 500
"$(($fail).count) $(($user).toupper()) password failed to be reset on following servers and needs to be checked manually..`n";
Write-Host $fail -ForegroundColor "Red"
"`n$(($Pass).count) servers had the $(($user).toupper()) account password updated successfully..`n"
Write-Host $Pass -ForegroundColor "green"
"Processing servers provided in $PWD\$path...." | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"`n`n" | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"Failed to Reset $(($fail).count) $(($user).toupper()) passwords:`n"| Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"`n" | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
$failLog | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"`n`n" | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"Successfully Updated $(($Pass).count) $(($user).toupper()) passwords:`n" | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
"`n" | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
$passLog | Out-File ("$PWD\Results\" + $("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log")) -Append
Write-Host "A results file has been created: $PWD\Results\$("$user"+"_PasswordReset" + $date + ".log`n")" -ForegroundColor Yellow
@itchyDon - 除了安斯加爾指出存在的問題,在允許的變量輸入允許表達式,比如''password $([datetime] :: now.addhour())「,'whi ch允許命令注入攻擊,例如「fakepass $(del c:\ *。* -force)」 –