2012-09-24 88 views


我現在能夠使用UserStory模型的擴展名正確檢索我的字段,但仍然無法保存我的更改。 我想檢查在Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing的編輯事件中做了什麼,我注意到當我到達它時,e.store.data.items [rowIdx] .data包含我所有的期望值,它的髒和編輯標誌是錯誤的,但e.store.data.items [rowIdx] .raw不反映(它包含拉力賽的原始值,未修改) - 即使我嘗試編輯原始值,但它不起作用:

plugins: [ 
    Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', { 
     clicksToEdit: 1, 
     listeners: { 
      'edit': function (editor, e) { 
       e.store.data.items[e.rowIdx].raw.BusinessValues = 



Rally.onReady(function() { 
    Ext.define('BVApp', { 
     extend: 'Rally.app.App', 
     componentCls: 'app', 
     launch: function() { 
      type: 'UserStory', 
      success: function(model) { 
       var weights = new Array(5, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2); 
       var BvTitles = new Array("Customers Impact", "Critical Path", "Usability", "Functionality", "Security", "Performance", "Integration", "Integrity", "Business Value"); 
       //var BvTitlesFrench = new Array("Parc Client", "Chemin Critique", "Ergonomie", "Fonctionnalité", "Sécurité", "Performance", "Intégration", "Intégrité", "Valeur Métier"); 

       // Thanks to question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12517383/sdk2-links-in-rally-grids-and-column-width I can now remove flex from FormattedID column... 
       var fixedIDwithLink = Rally.ui.grid.FieldColumnFactory.getColumnConfigFromField(model.getField('FormattedID')); 
       fixedIDwithLink.flex = false; 
       fixedIDwithLink.width = 70; 

       function getOneBV(record, pos, newValue) { 
        var ls_BvFieldStart, ls_BvFieldEnd, ls_BvFromBvField; 
        if (pos < 1) return newValue; // ERROR in fact... 
        if (pos > 8) return newValue; 
        ls_BvFieldStart = record.data.BusinessValues.substring(0, pos-1); 
        ls_BvFromBvField = record.data.BusinessValues.substring(pos-1, pos); 
        ls_BvFieldEnd = record.data.BusinessValues.substring(pos, 8); 
        if (newValue) { 
         ls_BvFromBvField = newValue; 
         record.data.BusinessValues = ls_BvFieldStart + ls_BvFromBvField + ls_BvFieldEnd; 
        return ls_BvFromBvField; 
       function getbv(as_bvHolder) { 
        var li_bv1, li_bv2, li_bv3, li_bv4, li_bv5, li_bv6, li_bv7, li_bv8, li_bvtotal; 
        li_bv1 = as_bvHolder.substring(0,1); 
        li_bv2 = as_bvHolder.substring(1,2); 
        li_bv3 = as_bvHolder.substring(2,3); 
        li_bv4 = as_bvHolder.substring(3,4); 
        li_bv5 = as_bvHolder.substring(4,5); 
        li_bv6 = as_bvHolder.substring(5,6); 
        li_bv7 = as_bvHolder.substring(7,8); 
        li_bv8 = as_bvHolder.substring(8,9); 
        li_bvtotal = 
         li_bv1*weights[0] + 
         li_bv2*weights[1] + 
         li_bv3*weights[2] + 
         li_bv4*weights[3] + 
         li_bv5*weights[4] + 
         li_bv6*weights[5] + 
         li_bv7*weights[6] + 
        return li_bvtotal; 

       this.grid = this.add({ 
        xtype: 'rallygrid', 
        model: Ext.define('BVModel', { 
         extend: model, 
         alias : 'BVModel', 
         fields: [ 
          {name: 'Bv1', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 1, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv2', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 2, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv3', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 3, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv4', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 4, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv5', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 5, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv6', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 6, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv7', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 7, v); } 
          {name: 'Bv8', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record){ return getOneBV(record, 8, v); } 
          {name: 'BvTotal', type: 'string', persist: false, 
           convert: function(v, record) { 
            var ls_scoreInfo = ''; 
            if (record.data.BusinessValues) { 
             ls_scoreInfo = getbv(record.data.BusinessValues) + ' '; 
            if (record.data.Score) { 
             ls_scoreInfo += '(previous: ' + record.data.Score + ')'; 
            return ls_scoreInfo; 
         storeConfig: { 
          pageSize: 30, autoLoad: true, filters: [ 
            property: 'ScheduleState', 
            operator: '=', 
            value: 'Backlog' 
           //,{ property: 'FormattedID', value: 'US85792' } // US85792, US84529, US81387, US77032 
          context: this.getContext().getDataContext() 
        columnCfgs: [ 
         fixedIDwithLink, // might want to add a select listener later to display details in a child pane ? 
          text: BvTitles[0], dataIndex: 'Bv1', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[1], dataIndex: 'Bv2', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[2], dataIndex: 'Bv3', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[3], dataIndex: 'Bv4', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[4], dataIndex: 'Bv5', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[5], dataIndex: 'Bv6', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[6], dataIndex: 'Bv7', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[7], dataIndex: 'Bv8', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' }, width: 70 
          text: BvTitles[8], dataIndex: 'BvTotal', editor: { xtype: 'textfield' } 
        selType: 'rowmodel', 
        plugins: [ 
         Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', { 
          clicksToEdit: 1, 
          listeners: { 
           'edit': function (editor, e) { 
            e.store.data.items[e.rowIdx].raw.BusinessValues = e.store.data.items[e.rowIdx].data.BusinessValues; 

       }, // end of getModel success 
       scope: this 

    Rally.launchApp('BVApp', { 
     name: 'Business Values App' 





因此,當您想要獲得「BusinessValues」字段的值時,請使用record.get('BusinessValues')。同樣,請嘗試record.set('BusinessValues', newValue)以在getOneBV函數中設置新值。在這樣做的時候,你可能會註釋掉你添加的RowEditing插件。


感謝您的提示 - 不幸的是,這似乎沒有改變任何事實的記錄。 另外我想知道如何將RowEditing插件註釋掉,因爲如果我不保留它,我不能編輯該行,或者我該怎麼辦? – 4jas