2010-03-23 17 views

我有一個函數,當用戶選擇一個或多個項目時,它將這些項目移動到列表框的頂部(仍然選中)並滾動到頂部,重新可見。它適用於我測試過的所有主流瀏覽器。問題來了,當我有這個函數在表格單元格內排序列表框。當我這樣做並使用IE8時,它會正確排序&高光,但不會滾動到頂部。 JavaScript通過基本的JSLint檢查,網頁通過HTML驗證。我有沒有發現IE8的怪癖?我編碼這個listbox排序&滾動功能錯誤的方式?Javascript排序列表框工作除非在表中IE8

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function Arrange(obj) { 
    var countSel = 0, countNSel = 0, i, arr_selected = [], arr_unselected = []; 
    for (i = 0; i <= obj.length - 1; i++) { 
     if (obj.options[i].selected) { 
      //create array with all selected items then sort it 
      arr_selected[countSel] = []; 
      arr_selected[countSel][0] = obj.options[i].text; 
      arr_selected[countSel][1] = obj.options[i].value; 
      countSel = countSel + 1; 
     else { 
      //create array with all UNselected items then sort it 
      arr_unselected[countNSel] = []; 
      arr_unselected[countNSel][0] = obj.options[i].text; 
      arr_unselected[countNSel][1] = obj.options[i].value; 
      countNSel = countNSel + 1; 
    if (countSel !== 0) { 
     //overwrite listbox options with selected items 
     for (i = 0; i <= countSel - 1; i++) { 
      obj.options[i] = new Option(arr_selected[i][0], arr_selected[i][1]); 
     //overwrite listbox options with UNselected items 
     for (i = 0; i <= countNSel - 1; i++) { 
      obj.options[countSel] = new Option(arr_unselected[i][0], arr_unselected[i][1]); 
      countSel = countSel + 1; 

    //for showing selected items 
    //scroll to the top of the list and select the appropriate items 
    //it's in reverse order because IE8 wanted to only scroll to the last item selected 
    obj.selectedIndex = 0; 
    for (i = arr_selected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
     obj.options[i].selected = true; 
<form name="frm" action="post"> 
<select size="4" name="cbostaffcontact" multiple onblur="Arrange(document.forms[0].cbostaffcontact);"> 
<option value="user1">Al</option> 
<option value="user2">Bob</option> 
<option value="user3">Christy</option> 
<option value="user4">Jane</option> 
<option value="user5">Randy</option> 
<option value="user6">Tom</option> 
<option value="user7">Zed</option> 



這可能在IE8一個怪癖,但你的代碼實際上並沒有說關於滾動什麼,所以我不會怪IE8。下面是一個簡單的指令應solve your problem


在其他的瀏覽器,他們向上滾動到列表頂部時所選擇的選項代碼集的最後一位。我發誓我在某個時候嘗試了scrollTop,但沒有運氣,但現在它可以工作......不能與此爭論。謝謝。也感謝鏈接到jsfiddle。這是一個非常有用的網站。 – Curtis 2010-03-23 14:38:50